“The Asiatic Mind” — Watchtower 1956

by slimboyfat 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • slimboyfat

    Searching instances of the word “simplify” in Watchtower literature, I stumbled across this.

    The Asiatic mind finds it difficult to accept new ways, to simplify and to make advantageous changes. They fear conversion and dislike others’ offering them help. Many continually live in a realm of unreality and refuse to face modern facts of life. The abounding of idolatry, ancestor worship and immorality (practically no moral restraints exist, through having no conception of sin) has brought the mentality of the Asiatic very low; so low, in fact, that many lead an existence not far from that of animals. To such a degree of debasement has the Devil driven these masses. Nevertheless, Jehovah has some of honest and contrite heart in these lands who are being hunted out by His witnesses. w56 1/15 p. 40
  • sparky1

    Russell, Rutherford, Knorr and Franz were certainly Caucasian Centric ( a polite way of saying that they seemed to be fu@cking prejudiced) Without the Chinese there would have been no way that the life saving message of Jehovah's Witnesses could have been spread worldwide so quickly. After all, the Chinese invented paper and the art of printing. Those two accomplishments only scratch the surface of what the 'Asiatic mind' gave to humankind.

  • pistolpete

    The Asiatic mind finds it difficult to accept new ways, to simplify and to make advantageous changes. They fear conversion and dislike others’ offering them help. Many continually live in a realm of unreality and refuse to face modern facts of life.

    Yea, " - Many continually live in a realm of unreality and refuse to face- the real facts of life.

    Watchtower Nov 2020 campaign quote;

    Jesus will accomplish much more than any human ruler ever could. He will be assisted by 144,000 corulers, who are chosen from among mankind.


  • waton

    Look at China, Taiwan, South Korea, japan in 1956 and now. wow.

    they even trumped trump in the wall building business., building unsinkable atrcraft carriers on the red line while the world slept, silk road, bankers to the world, -----

  • hoser

    I’ve got an old golden age magazine from the 1920’s that uses the n word more than once.


  • sir82

    Holy crap! Are you sure that isn't from 1856?

    Well, at least they didn't see anything about brain size or the shape of the skull....

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    OMG...Mind-numbingly racist; appalling.

  • waton

    was probably written by an assistant professor of the Awake / wt university in Brooklyn, or a contributor that was a frustrated missionary "serving" outside the Philippines or Japan.

  • Diogenesister

    Yup. I was told as a kid, that the Japanese and Chinese have “no concept of sin”.

    It really stuck with me.

    Straight away I thought to myself, if that is so...why aren’t they all running around with no clothes on then? I thought it didn’t quite make sense, since we were all supposed to have this in-built sense of shame as a result of the fall. They can’t have it both ways.

  • waton

    The Prince of Wales and Repulse were invulnerable to Japanese planes because asiatic eyes could not properly aim.

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