Is everything that doesnt add ud explained as a vision, a parable or a "poem" ?
by Bolthof 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
In the end they teach you have to be apart of the organization of Jehovah's witnesses and follow the leaders the self proclaimed faithful and discreet slave. The bible say all who believe in Christ are saved and the faithful and discreet slave is just a parable Luke 12:41. It would be best for you to stop studying with them. We should know we once were them. -
I was thinking about that scriptural account that Cofty quoted re Paul - how he desperately desired to be with Christ, in another dimension....
A pioneer born in 'sister' was catching up via email a couple of years ago.... She said something like this....
'I met a lovely woman today- I asked what do you think happens when you die - and she said that she hoped and believed she'd 'go home' to be with the Lord Jesus - I showed her from our magazine Feb 20something how our hope is on this earth, in a paradise - and her face lit up '
So, my friend was contriving to take away this woman's desire to be at one with Jesus and replaced it with a material hope in a material paradise without 'seeing' Jesus....
Looking at this from a spiritual point of view - it's a touch wrong....whether you believe or not.
Tell 'em the "faithful and discreet slave" is just a parable too. That'll get'em jumping.
I'd be a stuck record on this one - and not let it go - because JWs play hop-scotch all over selected texts from the Bible. As they jump around, you're left wondering why they haven't really addressed your point.
Stuck record: "the faithful and discreet slave" is not literal, it's a parable.
I have long wanted to ask them how they can be sure which bits of the Bible are literal and which not. - Everything that goes against their teachings is a parable ;)
Crazyguy - Why do you think I should stop "studying" with them ? I do not believe a single word they say. Im just there to make them see what I think the bible really says. And I know it can be done. If they are willing to listen that is. -
yes that's an easy way to avoid admitting we don't know it all, lol
if you take the words
dead alive resurrected and heaven to mean literally, and not in a religious representation you can have quite a discussion.
to me those words are representative of a belief system and are not literal.
dead... was the condition of anyone who was not observing the way of the law of Moses, or Israel
you were dead to works, dead to family and dead to their god. if you weren't a follower. so all gentiles were considered dead. [eph 2 is a good example of the word use]
alive... spiritually enlightened. following the law.
resurrected.... when you were a follower, stopped observing, then came back and followed the law.or come to know Christ, now you have been brought back from the dead. where you are if you are a follower of that cult and 'belonged' to the house or Israel .
most jws will deny that the whole book of psalms is songs and poems and not to be taken literal or as a future prophesy.
just a thought