The Org is now demanding money from the Witnesses, via the latest letter sent to elders regarding the Circuit's excess funds.
The G.B. succeeded in getting elders everywhere to hand over their own congregation's "excess funds" - now their Circuit's bank balances are going to be plundered.
The spineless and subservient elders will cooperate without a whimper, because they're afraid of losing their little bit of power which the Org has bestowed upon them. (John 11:48)
Look at the blatant wording which Brooklyn is now using - it isn't making requests of the elders to give cash, it's ordering them to do so!
Referring to K.H. Bank Balances:
"As excess funds accumulate, the elders have been encouraged to recommend to the congregations that such funds be sent to the branch office as a donation."
Referring to Circuit's Bank Balances:
"If the total circuit funds at the end of the assembly exceed the target balance, the excess should be donated to the worldwide work..........In view of the foregoing, a standing resolution should be presented at the next circuit business meeting. The resolution should state that at the conclusion of each assembly, funds in excess of the target balance will be donated to the worldwide work."
J.W. elders should feel sick to their stomachs after this, because they cannot now deny their complicity in this scam!
Thanks to ATLANTIS for putting this up!