I don't post here too much..I am more of a lurker. But, wanted to share recent conversation with JW family member.
One of my JW relatives recently went to visit another JW relative that is "serving where the need is great",. When my JW relative returned home and I was talking with him, who is an older JW who has been in for over 50 years, was so excited to tell me about the special talk. I am not sure if the speaker was a CO, but I believe so. He said the speaker asked, what religion is the richest in the world? Many answered, Catholics. He said, No! Jehovah's Witnesses are! He went on to say that they get so many donations, and bragged about the new large complex they are building..etc.
I find it ironic that the JW's are so excited to think they are the richest religion in the world. IF they believed it were the Catholics they would have pointed a finger as being a bad thing. But, since its them..oh how wonderful!
I can't help but wonder if this is the new thing they higher ups in the organization are telling the JW's to keep them from wondering about all of the cut backs and such.