Lett announce to his braindead indoctrinated rank and file masses the WT corporation is short on funds and so they have money problems. He made light of his role and the rest of management's predicament by saying on a public broadcast: "In doing the math we found that the amount of money flowing out will be much greater than the amount of money coming in at this time"
Clearly the guys on the GB have very little business sense to let things get so out of hand with tons of projects in the works and having to close all of them except for Warwick, and one in England.
I have to wonder just what type of math these dead heads on the GB even know or consider when making all their plans for the future of the Corporation they have leadership over. I wonder how much they can poor over figures that destroy their delusions based on wishful thinking.
Clear evidence shows that have a problem with viewing or considering facts that don't fit with their delusional state of being an organization that is 'God's Organization'.
This is a very bad state for a bunch of CEOs running a corporation they get blind sighted all the time being in this delusional stupor.