"Yet they only have to look back on all the cover-ups of the past, by
other religions, by Politicians etc etc to see that an open
acknowledgement and an open dealing with the situation at the time is
far better.Cover-ups get exposed in the end, and leave you looking far worse than if dealt with honestly."
I think you're absolutely right on this.
I keep banging on about the ARC hearings, but that's because I think that they are so important. Impartial, courteous, clinical, informed, forensic - and absolutely devastating IMHO to the jw org.
Even if everyone of the pitiful shower knew that they couldn't do or admit anything for fear of the GB, Jackson was handed a golden opportunity to 'fess up, agree to changes,and project a new and more wholesome image. What did he do? Smugly obfuscate, dodge the questions and generally sit like a fat superior slug (my personal view). Was he also in fear of the rest of the GB? I can visualise him returning to the bosom of the GB, much back-slapping, and 'well done Geoff, we showed those worldlies!' before sitting down to draft their written response which was, IMHO, cringe-worthy.
There is some excuse (being charitable) for most of the jw 'worthies' who gave evidence. Generally uneducated, used to being surrounded by those who are discouraged from challenging their authority, This particularly applies to Jackson. IIRC he was baptised at 15 and a gung-ho jw thereafter. So uneducated, inexperienced, naieve and especially in recent years surrounded by sychophants. But no excuse for him, really, because he should know his limitations.
One of the bits I most 'enjoyed' (maybe not the right word) was the evidence of the Oz branch lawyer, Toole. All other jw witnesses were only significant/qualified within the organisation (which as Shania Twain said 'don't impress me much') but here was (apparently) a ('worldly') qualified and experienced lawyer who could be expected to engage with SC Assisting Stewart on equal terms. It didn't work out like that and ARC reported him to the Law Society (or its equivalent) - he could be struck off.
VAG have a problem world-wide with their vehicles and reputation. It is interesting to compare their response with that of the jws.
If you're up to your neck in shit, sometimes it's best to stop digging the hole and put your hands up. This may not apply if you're 'waiting on jehovah' to pull you out and hose you down.