I’m just curious, Long Hair Gal, what was your career, before you retired? Or, maybe you don’t want to say, which is OK too. 😀
Armageddon house?
by exjwlemming 23 Replies latest jw experiences
Thanks for asking..Don’t want to give out that info because it would identify me! 😊
But, I didn’t do too badly for somebody with little ambition. I credit my non-Witness upbringing for helping me snap out of my stupidity...When I was younger in the early days of JW I was in the irresponsible phase. But, I woke up to reality in my early 30s and made sure I started seriously thinking about retirement and IRSs..(Even people gainfully employed can screw up if they aren’t wise about planning.)..I felt being in the religion puts people in a dreamlike state where they aren’t dealing with reality and the Clock on the wall is ticking away!
I have No regrets about ignoring the busybodies and hypocrites in the religion. So, what if I got shunned back then? Many of these older people aren’t even around today to help any of the broke Baby Boomers they misled!
Thank you, after I retire, I’ll share what I do for a living.
Corrected to say ‘IRAs’, but you get the point.