Kids continue to leave in droves - so what is the organization's grand plan? This

by sir82 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • ToesUp

    No new ones coming in from Door to door/cartwitnessing + teens/young adults leaving equals NO GROWTH! I can't express how happified we are. lol

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    Young person on their way to the beach or mountains for the day and pass

    a cart worker or someone knocking at your door on a beautiful Saturday morning

    offering the WT and they think, oh boy that's what I desire to spend the day handing

    out WT. My poor kids, knocking on their classmates doors while their classmates are

    heading to a football game , beach, mountains on a lovely day.

    We laugh about it today, how embarrassing for them......

  • stuckinarut2




    will not work on people who are wake to such manipulation. Today's youth are taught by schools and the media to be on guard against giving over control of themselves to ones who use such tactics.

    Analytical thinking skills are encouraged.

    So the school systems are vital for young witnesses...which is why we will see even more home schooled witness kids....sadly....

  • never a jw
    never a jw

    This is why religious fundamentalist, the homophobic, the racists of the white KKK and black KKK have no chance of growing in the future. Here's a picture of kids from California arriving in Japan. They are in a cultural exchange where once a year we host for two weeks students from Japan or South Korea and they reciprocate. My son and 10 friends are staying for two weeks with a Japanese family that speaks almost no English. What's so cool about these kids. They are a cross section of the U.S. and the world. They are children of immigrants from all over the world, from every corner of Europe (Spain, Italy, Romania, Germany), the middle East (Iran) the Philipines, Latin America, Africa. They are descendants of the white, the brown, the yellow and the black. They are completely indifferent to their peers' religion, country of origin, sexual orientation, skin color. They don't care about your long or short dress, your purple hair, your tattoo, your ring on the nose. they are internet savvy. They are attending higher education institutions

    The governing body has no chance against "this generation"

    My son is blocking the bottom of the "P" in Japan

  • zeb

    They don't have a grandplan as the gb wouldn't know how to talk to reason or relate to kids if they were told. anyways! its the old people who put the $$ in isn't it. kids have no income apart from ice-cream money.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Back when I was in the Borg in the mid 80s it wasn't that easy to get appointed an elder or MS. They waited a long time and observed your actions all during that time before they would recommend or appointment you to such a sacred position back then.

    There are new standards. Most importantly:



  • Finkelstein

    The Watchtower Corporation was never child friendly , a matter of fact back in the 1950's and before the organization was discouraging members to not even have children for in doing so would weaken their ability to go out in service in the preaching work.

    For a very long time the WTS sole perspective of children were that they were an problematic annoyance, maybe at least they could be trained to be public speakers or publishers.

  • jwleaks

    What do JW children really think of the JW religion? A few years back I was having dinner with a JW family who were in the process of exiting the religion. After dinner the parents told their children that they were no longer going to the meetings. 7 year-old daughter expresses her feelings:

    "Good. I hate going to the meetings. Does this mean I can join the [local] netball team?"

    Child is now a very, very, very talented and aggresive netball player. She tears the court up.

  • NewYork44M

    jwleaks, Thanks for the quote: "Good. I hate going to the meetings. Does this mean I can join the..."

    Great story. You could end this sentence with practically anything. However the story ends it is a happy ending.

  • skin

    What would happen if every witness followed this week's CLAM video of that talented young musician and gave up their jobs and dreams in order to pioneer?. No money coming into HQ would hurt...

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