It’s amazing how Jehovah is always in agreement with whatever the governing body decides. He even changes his mind at the same time as they do.
Latest Trick by You know Who!
by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara 15 Replies latest jw friends
Only this time jokovah blessed the worldly too to move out of NY as the link in the OP shows.
what about the thousands of JWs still trapped in NYC, or any other place in the world?
Also quite a few jdumbs have died due to covid19. So jokovah did not care for his own people!
SFJTD (Something For Jokovah To Do) Box: Make up your mind and grow a pair!
Everything is proof they're right.
Even the stuff that contradicts the other stuff.
Juan Viejo2
ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara I was thinking exactly the same thing.
If the Watchtower was given some inside information about a coming disaster in New York City and surrounds, why wouldn't they share that with all of their local members and have them move out of the area.
Let's face it: They only wanted to sell those valuable buildings to get the money. It's not important where the Watchtower HQ actually is located, because it simply does not matter. They're not shipping huge pallets of magazines and books across country. They've become an internet and TV related organization, just like the evangelists and Bible-thumpers who have been making themselves millionaires for decades.
Jehovah and Jesus have no part in the Watchtower's day to day activities or decisions. It's all about the money, Honey!!!
One of others reasons the WTS wanted to move out of Brooklyn is they wanted to divest themselves away from the Watchtower identity, which had proven overtime corrupt and false.
Why didn't they erect a large viewable sign of Watchtower on the front of their new building ?
They realized their buildings were get old and more difficult to keep up, add in the financial value of those buildings and decision was agree to.
It should also be noted that the WTS banked 2 billion dollars in the sales of all their buildings in Brooklyn. $$$
Now they stay what looks like a lake side resort complete with swimming pools and tennis courts in a tranquil rural setting.
No noise, congestion and pollution from the big city and a brand new identity JWorg.
Jehovah would stay there himself.