The WTS likes to point to the change in requiring circumcision as an example of how God makes changes. but.......
1) So-called GB (word not in bible) in Acts said circumcision was no longer required based on the spirit-anointed men final decision based on the scriptures (not NT at that time so OT scriptures), and prayer for holy spirit.
2) Yet Peter had to be sent visions from God saying that Gentiles were now clean in God's eyes without being circumcised....God sent visions 3 times. Cornelius supposedly had an angel send for Peter. Peter would not baptize these Gentiles until he say them exhibiting powers of the holy spirit. Gift of the spirit before baptism had not happened before ore after.
3) Yet Peter came to the Galatian congregation where the Jewish Christians would not associate with the Gentile Christians. The Galatian Christians sent for Paul who came and corrected Peter and the rest in front of the whole congregation.
3) Yet Paul had Timothy be circumcised not to offend the Jews.
Consider another example. At Acts 16:3, we learn that before taking Timothy along on his Christian journeys, Paul circumcised him. Yet, in verse 4 we read that Paul and Timothy thereafter traveled through the cities delivering “the decrees that had been decided upon by the apostles and older men who were in Jerusalem.” Among those decrees was the decision that Christians were no longer under law to get circumcised! (Acts 15:5, 6, 28, 29) Why did Paul feel that it was necessary for Timothy to be circumcised? “Because of the Jews that were in those places, for one and all knew that [Timothy’s] father was a Greek.” Paul did not want to cause unnecessary offense or stumbling. He was concerned that Christians keep “recommending [themselves] to every human conscience in the sight of God.”—2 Corinthians 4:2; 1 Corinthians 9:19-23.
w03 12/1 pp. 20-23