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Child Sex Abuse Victims and How They Can Overcome the Pain (video)
by UNCONDITIONAL LOVE 13 Replies latest jw friends
Wasanelder Once
Hmm, what's the chakra for damage to a child's orifice that has been ripped by a pervert? This sort of BS is a pain. Its so oversimplified that it means nothing. Get professional help if you have been raped, molested or abused and not from Swami Dipshit. Seek a psychologist.
WO seems like you are in need of the professional help... A little anger management would help.
no sound track.
Wasanelder Once
Unconditional, the anger you perceive is based on a realistic view of this sort of pseudo spiritual gibberish getting in the way of real help and relief for victims. There was not one practical suggestion in that video. The whole thing was defining terms and non specific ones at that. Promoting such crap encourages self therapy which, in this case, is another form of abuse as far as I am concerned. He gives nothing practical and says nothing useful. A therapist can listen and adjust their counsel to fit the patient's need. If you were to actually deal with this situation, and I cannot say if you have, you would understand the damage that cannot be healed by pop/spiritual psychology.
Listen to this sage, clear as mud:
WO you may want to view a couple of the speakers other videos. It seems this cult has truly damaged your conscious mind and your ability to reason and think before you respond. You are releasing alot of emotional turmoil over a very tender subject. It seems you have been deeply touched and affected by this topic.
WO thank you for the clip, it inspired me... 👌
Wasanelder Once
Its funny how no one else is commenting on your silly little therapist.
WO Not everyone has a comment to share on this particular subject, some just want to reflect on it, and some just aren't ready are able to recieve this type of a message at this time. Some maybe later and some maybe sooner, theres no rush and all in due time... Namaste ❤
WO It seems you have a deep and ingrained sense of right and wrong, that was instilled by this cult and has left its effects upon your comprehension and reasoning abilities.