Wanda Nevada (Brooke Shields) a 13 year old girl and a man 30 some years old (Peter Fonda) not only expressing their love for each other, but forming a relationship and end up running away together, yes a little creepy. Couldn't sleep last night so around 4 o'clock it was on....The movie made in 1979 what the hell was Hollywood thinking when making this movie, a love story romance/westerns.....
Creepy, creepy movie "Wanda Nevada"
by James Mixon 10 Replies latest jw friends
Wasanelder Once
What about this acclaimed Oscar prospect film, "Call Me by Your Name." About a 17 year old boy in an affair with a 30 something year old man. Hollywood is screaming about all the sex abuse in their industry but are lauding this pedophile showcase for an Oscar? Pull your head out people.
Pull your head out people.
No pun intended?
Fred Franztone
How the hell does being with a 17 year old make you a paedophile?
Fred Franztone: How the hell does being with a 17 year old make you a paedophile?
Depends on which state you're in.
Wasanelder Once might be in California for example.
See also:
I was under the impression that paedophilia refers to sexual attraction to pre pubescent children not necessarily those under the age of consent. I looked up the Wikipedia definition and it states much the same. I wish I could cut and paste on my iPad. One day I will make the effort to learn how.
Fred Franztone
Yeah, a paedophile is someone who is attracted to preteens, regardless of the age of consent, which is 16 where I live. An age of consent above 16 is insane in my opinion.
James Mixon
So you see why a love story between a 30 something year old and a 13 year old was creepy, even a 16 year old would be sick (most are still in high school).....
Fred Franztone
No, a 16 year old with a 30-something would not be sick, it's quite common, and it's just prissy to act all indignant about it. Where I live (and in the vast majority of countries) it's perfectly legal.
James Mixon
Fred I'am not being prissy or acting indignant about it, I realize the age of marriage in the US is 18 but most states allow marriage at 16 and 17 with parental consent and Nebraska 19 and Mississippi 21...But I feel 16 is to young to get married that's my opinion.