Black people attacking whites in the US

by JoenB75 32 Replies latest social current

  • JoenB75

    I think anony maus is being scolded for not using PC language. Certainly if BLM and their violence is a recent phenomen, then it is ok to say black people are getting more violent. It is a statistic observation and also something that ought to concern law abiding blacks. If you are not raised in a wolf pack, the acting and reputation of your kind should concern you

  • RubaDub

    In this environment I try to stay safe.

    Yesterday, I went to my favorite take-out restaurant owned by a very nice black family and just ordered fried chicken with cole slaw and collard greens on the side.

    I had no problem at all.

  • JoenB75

    Black supremacy would be something like Nation of Islam saying blacks are God's people and the whites and jews devils or the Zulus and other strong warrior tribes selling other blacks as slaves. Probably also a lot of "black supremacy" going on in South Africa

  • JoenB75

    Interesting paper about the black slave merchants

    "The great early 20th-Century black writer of the Harlem Renaissance, Zora Neale Hurston, bitterly complained that "the white people held my people in slavery here in America. They had bought us, it is true, and exploited us.

    But the inescapable fact that stuck in my craw was: My people had sold me ... . My own people had exterminated whole nations and torn families apart for a profit before the strangers got their chance at a cut. It was a sobering thought. It impressed upon me the universal nature of greed." And we might add, the universal nature of slavery."

    (Btw Another person realizing the truth of the sinful fallen state of man)

  • JoenB75


    You can't go wrong with fried chicken. Dont know what I would do without it. A little more so so when it comes to watermelon

  • silentbuddha

    I do not use any PC language. I am just stating that the dude is just not being honest in what he is saying. However, after finding out he is Belgian as Queequeg stated I guess he either isn't aware of exactly what he is saying. There is also the idea of people not living in America who seem to have answers for these types of issues while at the same time having no understanding of the countries history or its current nuances.

    There is also the understanding that many Belgians like to be very outspoken about these matters to try and masked the disdain some of them have for anything that is not Belgian. Been there done that.

    So fuck BLM and the movement itself, but interchanging BLM with Black Americans as a whole is moronic, just like saying all Belgians are just as bad as Leopold.

  • waton

    here is an item from the Guardian:UK news

    Funeral of Glasgow attacker attended by several hundred

  • RubaDub

    RubaDub - Just to cover my bets and stay safe, I wore blackface when mowing my lawn yesterday.

    @LauraV ...

    If you think I have a bone of racism in my body you are wrong. Can I make fun of stereotypes that people have about others? Yes, I do it all the time.

    People that can't laugh at themselves are the real racists.

    If I were you, I would stop the anti-Semitism comments that you keep making.

  • Jazzbo

    Absolutely correct there is an enormous amount of black on white violence. In general black on white crime is ten times greater than white on black. DOJ numbers also show that the 6.5% of the population that is black male commits 36% of homicides.

  • Diogenesister
    Quite ironic that left wing feminists consider increased rape due to third world immigration a necessary cost

    What feminists have said rape by immigrants is a necessary cost?!

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