Freedom! Not having to adhere to man made rules and regulations. Not being afraid of maybe “stumbling “ someone.
What Are Reasons You Are Happy Not Being A JW Any Longer?
by minimus 33 Replies latest jw friends
Knowing it is all made up by a publication/real estate empire hiding behind a cult. I am very free knowing that this is what they are about. Tax free money , and wealth for some higher ups from the backs of slaves. The sh#t has hit the fan. I'm not going to be one of their slaves.
stan livedeath
not having to talk to god out loud in front of an audience.
Sea Breeze
1. Sleeping in on Saturday Morning
2. Not having to __________________ .
3. Watching my kids develop normally with me as their primary influencer.
4. Freedom of religion.
5. Giving to charities I want to.
6. Christmas!
Realizing it's not me it's them.
So much extra time!
Everything else you do depends on that.
The Watchtower stole our time. EVERYTHING you did revolved what they wanted you to do. You want to buy a new car or house, do you really need that?? Vacation—how can you think of doing that when your field service hours are so low? Speaking of that, you want to be a MS or elder, you have to raise your averages! You want to sleep in on Saturday morning? What?? You need to be exemplary and set the example and knock on those doors even though you know no one is home...we can go on and on, can’t we??
Not being in a cult. Not wasting my time going to meetings I absolutely hated. Having my life back, Not having to check what I think at the door when going to meetings so I don't upset the idiot elders. Not being around other JWs the worst people on the planet besides liberal idiots.
1. No more boring and monotone speakers
2. No more weekday meetings, coming home from work, throwing food in your belly, driving half hour each way and coming home around 10:00 p.m.
3. No more Sunday meetings... where your whole day is ruined by a 3:00 p.m. meeting
4. No more repetitive talks, repetitive Watchtower articles and repetitive Book Studies
5. Don't need to wear a suit and tie
6. No more cliques
7. No more summer assemblies in sweltering outdoor stadiums
8. Don't need to be reminded that Heavy Metal music is Devil music.. I don't any any lectures on what is considered the best music from 80 year old's
9. Read books and magazines that have different points of views, than the Watchtower slanted views
10. Ain't judged by Elders on how my ''spirituality'' is progressing, field service hours
11. Don't worry about Armageddon arriving
12. No more Watchtower reading material that is slanted to make it look like ''Jehovah Witnesses'' are God's chosen people...and after really reading the Bible, finding out that the Bible is just fabricated stories
Christmas, birthdays, Halloween, voting, FREEDOM!