In JW theology, what happens to Adam and Eve? Are they resurrected and become heirs to Paradise on Earth? Or will they become two of the heavenly class? I tried finding the answer at, but no answer came up except for their sin in the Garden.
What Happens to Adam and Eve?
by Cold Steel 32 Replies latest watchtower bible
The Rebel
I believe the answer is that as Adam & Eve committed a sin whilst perfect they simply now cease to exist and have no resurrection.
The problem I have with W.T theology is how a person created perfect can do something imperfect? The witnesses will answer "free will" . But free will and perfection are clearly not the same thing.
As for the actual sin, in my viewpoint the story is that God gave them a choice. To clarify we're they :-
A) told simply not to eat from a tree.
B) given the choice to eat from the tree, with the consequence of doing so explained.
As the answer is B, how then did they disobey God?
As for the consequences of that choice now, shaping the world we live in today, was this in your opinion even remotely explained to Adam?
Russell believed that god always intended the sin of Adam, it was part of his "Divine Plan of the Ages". He taught that Jesus died only to redeem Adam - one perfect life for one perfect life.
Rutherford changed that and taught that Jesus died to redeem the perfect life that Adam possessed but that Adam will not be resurrected. This continues to be their position on the imaginary status of the imaginary Adam.
Adam and Eve are toast , they committed the unfogivable sin of disobeying God while in a perfect state of existence.
And all the human race including animals have suffered indignatarie of health and death ever since .
No such punishment was meted out to Satan or his Demons however
"One redeemer was quite sufficient in the plan which God adopted, because only one had sinned, and only one had been condemned. Others shared his condemnation…One unforfeited life could redeem one forfeited life and no more. The one perfect man, “the man Christ Jesus,” who redeems the fallen Adam (and our losses through him) could not have been a ransom for all under any other circumstances than those of the plan which God chose." – The Divine Plan of the Ages (1886) p.132
"As many as have shared death on account of Adam’s sin will have life-privileges offered to them by our Lord Jesus, who died for them and sacrificially became Adam’s substitute before the broken law and thus gave himself a ransom for all." – The Divine Plan of the Ages (1886) p.156.
So according to Russell Adam is redeemed. This was changed by Rutherford in 1939.
"The judgement entered against Adam was just, it must stand forever... This text does not say or mean that Adam was or is ransomed, but does mean that the human perfection once possessed by the perfect man Adam (and which human perfection carried with it the right to life, which life and right thereto were forfeited by the wilful disobedience of Adam) is purchased or bought back or ransomed for Adam’s offspring, who were prevented from receiving that life and right thereto by reason of Adam’s sin" – Salvation (1939) p.176.
Isnt here the typical connection in the teaching between that what Adam lost
"human perfection ..which .... carried with it the right to life"
what Adam's offspring receives back after ransomed and what it will possess in the paradise earth:
a life of human perfection with the right to life ...but not more, no automatic eternal life, but further obidience and testing- The offspring is only ransomed and simply brought to the state it would have been withouth Adams sin, Jesus ransom only accomplishing this and not more. The offspring will have to prove loyal as it would have been in the original paradise. The tree of life yet far in distance.
I think this reasoning is behind the Rutherford-theology.
The situation in paradise will not be much different:
if you not obey, you will certainly die and lose your right to live, nothing would have changed at all since the days of Adam, even after Jesus ransom (ransom for release of consequences for offspring)
Adam had no eternal life, he had the right to live, he could die, his perfection was simply a right to live, a limited perfection namely consisting in a right and promise not to die if obiedient, and this you will get if you belief in Jesus ransom, Rutherford taught, (If i err please correct me)
As the ransom sacrifice concept of Rutherford RANSOM is only for the OFFSPRING, it is not working for Adam and Eve themselves consequently. They are indeed lost. What is not righteous because they did it not of own free will but they were seduced.
Anyone who is judged by Jehoover and put to death via whatever means do not get a second chance according to the dubs.
- Adam & Eve
- All those died in the flood
- All of us at The Big A
- All in the bible who were directly killed by Jehoover
- etc
- etc
There is no second chance for them.
Russell believed that god always intended the sin of Adam, it was part of his "Divine Plan of the Ages".
I have never seen this. Have you got a reference?
"One redeemer was quite sufficient in the plan which God adopted, because only one had sinned, and only one had been condemned. Others shared his condemnation…One unforfeited life could redeem one forfeited life and no more. The one perfect man, “the man Christ Jesus,” who redeems the fallen Adam (and our losses through him) could not have been a ransom for all under any other circumstances than those of the plan which God chose." – The Divine Plan of the Ages (1886) p.132
The statement that god knew/intended Adam would sin before he even created him is also in Divine Plan.
I might still have a copy, I will have a look.
What Happens to Adam and Eve? - the WTS currently teaches (and has taught for a long time) that Adam & Eve will get no resurrection. They were perfect when they sinned, so Jesus' ransom doesn't cover their error. They are dead forever.