I do not believe that confessing to a priest is all that beneficial or necessary, but I think confession in other circumstances should be done.
Confess to who SP?
That is the whole point.....who does one decide to *confess* something to? Your mom and/or dad? Your spouse? Your kids?
I had my mom confess fornication to me....at age 15. She then went to the elders and *confessed* and was DFd. After undergoing a rigerous questioning...it left a very bad taste in her mouth. And mine. I would NEVER confess to those PHARISEES after watching what they did to my mother.
OTOH, my sister confessed to fornication to my mother. She promptly called her a whore. I again realized the waste of time confession was. Why get verbally abused for something you already knew was wrong?
So, who do you confess something you already know is wrong to?