Hello - New Member

by NotAnointed 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • NotAnointed


    I just wanted to intoroduce myself. I have been lurking for some time and finally decided to register and hopefully contribute to this great forum.

    I am in my mid 30s and have never been in the truth. My wife became a JW several years ago and since she is a (mostly) stay at home mom my two boys are also JWs. When she first converted she made the statement that 'you don't even know what JWs believe,' so I studied (argued/debated) weekly with an elder/elders for about a year and a half. I could see how crazy the whole organization was/is easily, but she puts her entire trust in the borg.

    I try to follow the new light closely as it is the topic that interests me the most. It never ceases to amaze me how often and brightly the "new light" shines - lol.

    Lastly, We are in US, Ohio and I am a Christian. I am saddened that some on this forum have lost their belief in God due to their proir association with this false religion.

  • Londo111

    Welcome to the forum!

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    hi NotAnnointed--welcome to the forum

    none of us was born believing in god !

  • hyperpen

    Hello and welcome NotAnointed. I too have noticed so many on here and on the Reddit forum that no longer believe in God at all. While I certainly don't believe in the same interpretation of God that JWs have, I have not converted to Atheism. Not sure what the root cause is. Interesting how one goes from believing so strongly they alone have the one true God to believing there is no God. Perhaps because as JW we were taught all other belief systems were false so we leave JW still holding to that belief. By the way I lived in Northern Ohio once what area are you from?

  • redpilltwice

    Welcome to the forum...and my advice... don't be sad about the non-believers. The forum is for everyone. It makes a healthy mix of different opinions and I think they are sincere and good people and hey... God is love and Jesus knows their heart, right?

  • Sanchy

    Welcome NotAnnointed. I'm sorry to hear about your wife and kids. Stay patient and hold strong, sooner or later she will come to her senses.

    About the loss of faith in the God of the bible, it is true that some think that way because of the effect the JW faith has had in their lives, but for most of us, we've arrived at such a conclusion because of valid facts that we've had to take into consideration.

    Be it as it may, whether you believe in God or not, the JW religion is a dangerous cult, and THAT is a message worth spreading.

  • Miss Worldly
    Miss Worldly

    Hey! Never-to-be JW here too! Welcome! 🤗

  • rebelfighter

    Welcome, never a JW here. I still believe in God but do not believe in Religion.

  • Chook

    Welcome my friend, just remember when you refer to not being in the truth we all here have never been in the " truth" either, we were just deceived into thinking it was the truth.

  • Giordano

    "since she is a (mostly) stay at home mom my two boys are also JWs."

    Welcome Not Anointed........Question....... are your boy's baptized or simply attending the JW meetings. If they are not Baptized consider discouraging them from doing so until they have finished their education. After all didn't Jesus wait until he was 30?

    How do you handle the Blood Doctrine should a blood transfusion become necessary?

    The WTBTS has always been reckless with the health, welfare and education of it's followers. Since their 'truth' is in constant need of tweaking they use the fear of shunning to keep it's members in line.

    Shunning separates families, breaks up marriages. It is a crime of duress to coerce someone into doing something that they don't want to do. If a JW refuses to shun a family member or friend they will in turn be Disfellowshiped and shunned. It's a life sentence. We have good people on this forum who haven't seen or talked to their children and their grand children for decades.

    While the JW's believe firmly in freedom of religion they only apply that right to their religion. Should a baptized JW decide that they no longer want to be a member of the JW'S and makes that known they will be treated worse then a pedophile.

    Who ever would have thought that the JW's would have such a large Pedophile problem? It's not difficult to understand why. They insist that the two witness rule be applied to the pedophile. They also insist that the victim has to face the pedophile in a judicial hearing.


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