Personally I think Lloyd is just another YouTuber and he's managed to make money out of making videos about a niche. He's written a book and he's found a way to get people to purchase it. So he's been living a lie and so many men. Don't agree with it but I don't think he's responsible for all the terrible sex crimes that are happening in the world.
Personally I'm sick of living by a set of rules and being judged, I also don't believe in God any more nor do I have any respect for the Bible (sorry if this offends you).
However I have a strong hatred for the Jehovah's Witness organisation not the people just the organisation for the wicked things that they have done the many people including myself. So anyone that takes it to the organisation I don't care if it's a Demon I'm not gonna hold him back I'm also not going to financially help you do it I think as a group we can all help each other.
I manage to post a video on my YouTube channel about my story it was great to see it actually getting some traffic so it would be good for people to also publish their story as a group. I'm sure we can get more coverage that supporting Mr Lloyd and his one channel.
That's my two cents worth. I hope you guys are all enjoying your life as much as we can in the last days of the last day of the last days. xx