Gay ex-Bethelite
by Chip Williamson 36 Replies latest jw experiences
Welcome Chip! -
John Free
Welcome chip!!
Quite a twist at the end of the story!
And they all lived happily ever after... ...
Sorry to hear about your parents situation though but I'm glad you're living life your way.
I knew of a brother at Bethel who also struggled with coming to terms with his orientation.
He was a mixed up guy sadly because of it all.
I knew a Sister who married a gay man. She did not know he was gay at the time of their marriage but found out on her wedding night. She could never accept it and eventually this lovely person committed suicide. No doubt there were many emotional issues but she confided in her friend what she knew about her husband and how it was affecting her. She seemed to try her best to be a good wife, and of course, divorce seemed out of the question for her. I guess she endured as long as she could.
Her husband never remarried. I've never been able to view him the same way since.
Welcome, thanks for sharing your story! I can think of few thinks worse than being a gay JW, double the guilt and fear! glad you finally broke free. -
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Welcome Chip!
Up at WTF, did you hear any of George Couch's morning worship comments about "homos" and his warnings about going to clubs in Greenwich Village like CBGBs?
He had a bizarre way of discussing the subject. It's like it was supposed to be something bad, yet it came across as more entertaining and actually made us more curious about the details. "It starts with a couple of brothers horsing around, wrestling in their underwear, and the next thing you know BAM, they're a couple of homos!" Really George? I think you're leaving out a few details... LOL
Congrats on finding your way out and finding your happiness in life. What more could anyone in this world want than to see others happy and thriving? -
Welcome Chip! Thank you for sharing your story. It's wonderful you and your ex-wife have been able to create happy lives for many do not.