A few things about this video:
It's very nice that they managed to host a convention for the Russian brothers and sisters, and that they all got fed. But lets be honest now, there are many religions and even atheist organizations that can, and do, feed their visiting members on a large scale and host conventions.
Mark Sanderson tells us that when the appeal at the Supreme Court was negative that they had to leave Russia immediately... but they had no tickets. He tells the committee members to just drive to the airport and on the way he's in contact with the travel desk at Watchtower. Well, whattayaknow... the travel desk managed to get 18 tickets for all of them to leave on the same plane. Praise Jehovah!... oh, but in reality... how hard can it be for some schmuck with access to the internet and a credit card to book a plane ticket? It's hardly a miracle now is it? Why, you can even turn up to an airport without a ticket and just buy one at the desk. Sure, it'll be more expensive but when you're a GB member whats a couple of grand? As long as Mark Sanderson can fly out of Moscow first class with a martini and a steak meal.
Mark even says "we felt as if we'd been picked up be Jehovah and safely carried out of Russia." WTF?!! So he gets you out of Russia but he couldnt make a supreme court judge overturn the ban of your own people? And what about the Russian witnesses that are still there?
Does this even make sense???