What did you lose or give up to break free of the Borg?

by shotgun 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere
    When I left, there was a sound, sort of like pulling a stuck boot out of the mud

    I think I heard that very sound.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    excellent point Gary and I would agree with that NOW

    but when I left (DFed by my own actions) I still believed I was giving up everything - that was hard

  • maxwell

    I lost free communication with some of my family. I lost all communication with some others. Those are the biggest losses. My parents and three sisters are all JW, and although my parents still speak with me on a limited basis, I don't speak with my sisters at all.

    I also lost all of those so-called friends at the Kingdom Halls. Although they weren't the best of friends, I did value the association. However, it's much less of a loss. I am now free to make real friends.

  • fjtoth

    I'm another one who agrees with Mouthy. They robbed me of everything I ever had. They didn't throw me out, but they were closing in because I had expressed some doubts. So, I took the initiative and da'd. As great as the loss has been, I'd do it over again, even though I'm now almost 70.

    I was going on 60 when I left, and hardly anybody would hire me at that age. Now I get hardly any pension to speak of due to spending practically my entire life in "full-time service." Fortunately I do have a job and I'm able to keep working. The job doesn't pay much, but it does provide me with enough for food on the table each day. I sometimes wonder what I would do to stay alive if it wasn't for the goodness of church people and charities in this village and county.

    The greatest thing they robbed from me was my family and friends of a lifetime. My father died about 4 years ago, and I found out about it indirectly only 2 years ago. How evil that is! My mother is 89 and doesn't dare speak to me, and the same is true of my siblings, all because they know they would be thrown out if they did. Some of my best former friends live here in this same village where I have a small apartment, and we often run into each other on the street and in shops. I sense they would like to stop and talk just as much as I would, but they don't dare!

    Despite all this, I'm glad I moved out of and away from the WT Society. My only regret is that I didn't wake up to how evil the organization is until so late in life.

    My experience has been that God never abandons us. He sustains us even when things look their bleakest. So, I hold on to my love for the people I know who are JWs, and every day I pray that they will all soon wake up to what an unchristian religion they belong to. At the same time, I have to mention that the dearest friends I have now are folks like many of you who still love God and people, even though you were severely betrayed by an organization you thought had real love and concern for you.

  • Brandy

    Well for me it is just one special person who was like a mom to me.

    I have been out many years. I just walked away.

    We remained close until a few months ago when she asked me if I was going to return to Jehovah's organisation. I said no. She said that she could no longer keep things between us going.

    There must be preasure on at the hall these last few months.

    But I have my mind!


  • happyout

    At first I lost my entire immediate family, since they are all still in. I lost all my so called "friends" from childhood. I eventually gained my family back, with some limitations. This is because I'm faded and "inactive" not DF'd or DA'd.

    It was worth it. I now have my sanity and self respect, two things I was quickly losing in the Borg.


  • Maverick

    I lost a constant companion. One that was with me when I awoke each day. Ate with me, worked with me, followed right on my heels like a shadow. This partner in life, given me by the duds...a feeling of worthlessness and melancholy, fled like its cowardly Masters when I left the Borg! Maverick

  • iiz2cool

    When I left I didn't have any 'real' friends in the org, but I am probably going to be divorced over it. I initially thought I might be disinheirited by my mother as well, but that's looking better now.

    Canadian District Overbeer

  • badolputtytat

    I ran away at 12 years old. I "gave up" my home, my parents, my sister... an entire family. Became involved in male-prostitution, drinking, and just about lost my mind and my life on more than one occasion.

    Now I am 32 . I recently have come back in contact with the family I left behind in this thing... had some big idea (and still hope to) that I was going to "rescue" them. I found out last weekend that the sister I left behind is now 28 years old... she has never been away from home, has only just started dating a "pioneer", has never even really lived.

    BUT... I can tell you what I GAINED.... and that is perhaps the most important. . . Respect for myself, my own beliefs and freedom of choice. A lovely, intelligent, strong wife, and a wonderful son. A career that I am proud of (my own business). I am still learning about "humanity" in general, and that proves to be interesting. I have many friends who love me for who I am (not what list of beliefs I claim to follow), a musical and artistic education (that one cannot recieve in the world-o-dub..however not a "formal education"). I beat the terrible fear that the society bashes into it's victims. I have travelled the world (for my own benefit..not theirs). And you know what else.... I smile... I smile everyday, and until I was in my twenties, I never really smiled... ever. I laugh, and I smile.... and I love that!

    I haven't won completely with my family... I may never do it... I am closer than ever now... but no matter what happens, I am gonna keep on smiling.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    puttytat, you've come a long way and you've had to deal with more than most. I think you'll get where you need to be, just give it time and continue growing as a person and you'll get there.

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