Serena Williams after marrying rich baby daddy: I am a Jehovah's Witness
by Wild_Thing 26 Replies latest jw friends
Those quotes where she talks about being a witness are from 2002.
Secondly, as recently as last month she said that although she was RAISED as a witness she never got too serious about it.
The Williams sisters were raised as witnesses but never got baptized. Nothing new here. No need to criticize or scrutinize someone who was never baptized.
Am I correct that she got pregnant and then married to the guy?
Hisclarkness ... what is the basis for your assumption that her quotes are from 2002? This article seems to be a recent interview. Also, can you provide a link of her quote last months saying she was raised in it?
Crazyguy ... yes, that is correct.
Wild_Thing: what is the basis for your assumption that her quotes are from 2002?
Because Hisclarkness can read?
The link in the OP that references the quote/s goes to this page:
The date at the top of that interview very very clearly says "July 6, 2002".
There has always been this grey area with people who associate ( and sometimes self identify as JWs ) but never get baptised. We had a few in my old congregation - often teenage or older children of JWs or relatives - and they often seemed to be able to do what they wanted without any censure - and were treated kindly by the congregation and regarded as "interested ones".
Also - the Society has long had a very tolerant approach to celebrity JWs going back to the Shadows , Cliff Richard days up to more modern times like Prince , Michael Jackson and the Williams sisters. MJ , for example ,basically had a "free pass" , to do what he wanted. Doubtless these guys are donating a lot of money and their celebrity status protects them from counsel from the elders that would be meted out to the average rank & file JW.
I myself used to be one of those people. Growing up, my mom studied off and on but never did anything about it but as far as I knew in my mind we were “ jehovah’s Witnesses”, even though I still did all kinds of things that JWs aren’t supposed to do like saying the pledge or going to the school Christmas parties, etc. It wasn’t until much later that we all got serious and got baptized.
So I know exactly how Serena Williams is thinking. She is not concerned with being baptized or following the rules to the T. She is probably blissfully unaware of all of the WT’s problems, doctrinally, financially, socially, etc. All she knows is that’s how she was raised and so that’s what she identifies as in her mind, nevermind the technicalities of it all and the associated consequences.
i believe it was from the vogue interview that specifically covered her wedding a month or so ago where she made the statement about being raised but never getting serious about it.
Yes, we have family members who don't go to meetings, assemblies or serve us but still claim to be Jehovah's Witnesses. Maybe Serena can throw WT some cash to receive Watchtower's approval.
She had it very rough after the birth, I wonder if she took blood?
By the way, did she get english lessons from Donald J. Trump or Sara Palin?
"I am Jehovah's Witness. If you don't believe in God — I think if you don't believe in God, it's going to be tough to live life because pretty much that's the basis of life, it comes from God. And so being a Jehovah's Witness, obviously we believe in God and the Bible. And without Him, I wouldn't be here right now. I really thank Him for everything."