I am just wondering here: almost every single quote in JW literature for which a source can be found, is taken out of context.
Personally, I have checked almost every quote in the 5-questions brochure, some on dating and the cross in Reasoning book, and some in magazine articles I found interesting.
Just checked the "they envisioned a universe subject to whims of gods" quote in the Feb 2016 Awake.
Where the Awake article argues that the Bible is different, the original source continues to argue that also Biblical views are included in the earlier statement:
Created during rotighly the same period and in the same regions of the world, Aristotelian philosophy and Biblical accounts of cosmology and cosmogony are, not surprisingly, congruent in some respects. Aristotle's teleological explanations assumed that the world was fulfilling a purpose formed by a superhuman mind; Christian philosophy also is inherently meaningful and purposive.https://archive.org/stream/EncyclopediaOfScienceAndReligion/Encyclopedia%20of%20Science%20and%20Religion_djvu.txt
So once again the literature quotes a source, and leads the user to a conclusion that is the direct opposite of what the quoted source intended to say.
But I'm wondering: don't the people in Writing dept. read the whole article before quoting?
Are they doing this on purpose or are they just dumb?
How do they live with their misrepresenting the facts, assuming they drink the KoolAid just as much as all of us did and are actually decent human beings?