Dear lurkers, you won't be disappointed by this topic.
When I was in the org, there was a strict dress code. No woman was attractive, and when I was a young witness child I was conditioned to believe every woman in the world must be ugly. So I had no hope of changing. Or so I thought... thank God for puberty.
There was a time in society when slim or skinny was considered beautiful. When I grew up, gradually it was more publicly acceptable to have fetishishes for different body types.
I began to find curvy women with bigger areas more attractive than slim ones. I lusted both however, depending on what she looked like and her personality traits. Was I normal? I prayed and prayed as I felt I was sinning against the Big J. I viewed porn sites and I woke up, viewing exjw sites too. I realised God could not view me as important, so I left the Borg.
I miss all those beautiful women, married and unmarried. Oh if only I formed a relationship with at least one, my dream would have come true. All those sexy, gorgeous women trapped in the cult don't realise what their wasting their lives to. Their 'living in purity' makes the suppression stronger and heightens their chances of escape.
But sadly, the GB's stand on 'seeking first the Kingdom' has moved many beautiful women to sacrifice marriage or great sex to serve where the 'need is greater', as missionaries, at Bethel or in the pioneer service. They've given up higher education for going to worldwide construction, Evangelizers school or Gilead. Some even hope to have their children in the paradise, for something that will never come and they will never know they never had a chance in any lifetime for it.
Dear women who submit to the Watchtower under the oppression of your husbands or parents, I beg you, don't put your life for something for nothing. Do what will make you happy and you'll never regret it. Do not lend your beauty to the Borg, lend it to those who will love you.
Your friend POMO6780