Hearings are on the schedule for ABC, BBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC and NBC. Not on Fox "News".
Will you be watching? Or maybe . . .
by shadowclone 42 Replies latest social current
Hearings are on the schedule for ABC, BBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC and NBC. Not on Fox "News".
Will you be watching? Or maybe . . .
When are the Antifa / BLM hearings? 30 people were killed and $billions in damage caused.
Jan 6th was a nothing burger. They opened the doors and a few people walked around.
This is political dirty tricks and the people involved are not getting fair justice.
I don't know, when? Some things are a little behind. Are the Tulsa Massacre hearings coming up before the BLM hearings?
I personally think it's stupid to only march against police killings when there's a vastly larger death toll from crime and poverty.
Also stupid to parrot RNC talking points to deflect and minimize what happened.
It's amazing that ex-jw's can get so sucked into supporting any political party or government. Over 300 pages on an obscure YouTuber but dismiss an attempted coup with a few hackneyed canards? Priceless!
Correction: it is being produced by MSNBC (Jen Psaki recently joined them) and other media outlets with the direction by ABC’s James Goldston, MSNBC is making complete with graphics, commentary etc while CBS is making it into a special. They literally changed the common senate schedule to make sure as many people can watch it (prime time is 7-10pm well outside regular working hours for our Congress critters)
The senate committee literally got a producer which is going to produce multi-media and special effects to demonstrate on prime time what they infer actually happened complete with directed pre-recordings, make-up etc.
The committee refuses to disclose how it decided to hire and who is paying for the production or who is paying the network for their prime time slots.
They should put a disclaimer: based on a true story, The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.
Let's take bets as to how fast the "officers died that day" hoax is reiterated by some member of congress.
Like Michael Malice said: Alec Balwin has officially killed more people than all of the January 6th rioters combined.
I say they won't get through even 1 day.
I can think of a couple things I would rather do than watch biased, lying, main stream media coverage of this staged event.
1. Go to another meeting at the kingdom hall.
2. Take a beat down from BLM "protesters".
I notice in your second comment you backpedaled and didn't address anything. Any reason for that?
attempted coup
LoL. This is going to backfire so forking hard.
There isn't much that will come of it. The people who rioted were arrested and charged and have been or are being dealt with. If they had anything of any substance against Trump or other politicians, they'd have acted on it by now. The only thing left is to put on a show and see if bread and circuses can make voters forget how bad things have been over the past year.
As for an insurrection or coup-- if that's what the capitol rioters were attempting, it was possibly the poorest effort ever made, and had no chance of succeeding since our government doesn't work that way. The notion that you could put a gun to the VP's head and have him determine an election by request is laughable, and few of the rioters were armed or even seemed to know what they wanted to do, aside from make some noise and run around with no sense of purpose.
If November does turn out to be a red wave, this kind of clueless theatre of the absurd is one of the reasons.
PEW says respect for government is at an all time low. Despite who is right and who is wrong, voters are weary of lies and manipulation. I suspect that a growing hatred of incumbents is in the works. Let's be honest - most politicians are crooks - some are just bigger crooks than others. Toss em all out and go have a beer.