Was just thinking about the practice in WT (and I believe some other religions as well) to call your fellow female (baptized) JW a sister, a brother if it is a man. Children call older people aunt or uncle. So, at home, I can call my wife by her first name etc. During a meeting, I am supposed to call her Sister xxx. How strange is that?!?!
A child will call the older woman Aunt xxx or the older man Uncle xxx. But they are not their aunts or uncles. I creates a sort of an artificial family atmosphere. A sort of trust built on the use of these terms. They will hardly see the difference between their real aunts and uncles and the artificial ones.
I was not raised a JW as child so I cannot share how a child experience the use of these terms, the fact that at home, the father calls the mother by her first name and during the meeting Sister xxx. Does the child think sometimes that his father is married to his sister??