Supplements and Vitamins

by JH 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    Are you the type of person to take all kinds of vitamines and supplements every day just incase you might be missing something in your system. Although I know many people who do, I never did take any. I believe that eating well is all you need. I'm never sick and feel good, so I'm not about to start taking any kind of vitamines and supplements.

    The supplement and vitamin industry is huge. When you go in a drug store, there are so many to chose from.

    Possible dangers A further reason to try to avoid looking for the magic results of mega doses of vitamins is that they can have toxic effects. Some people think that because some is good, more is better, which is not necessarily the case. This is particularly true with vitamins that are fat soluble like vitamin A and will be stored up in the liver. This can eventually reach toxic levels and can damage the liver. Vitamin C will just be secreted with the urine but it can cause diarrhoea at levels of 2000 mg a day, which is lower than the amount many people take to stave off colds.

    Just unnecessary Taking vitamins and food supplements is neither good nor bad but unnecessary for most of us. There is a lot to be said for saving the money and splashing out once in a while on a nutritious and delicious well-balanced meal at a ritzy restaurant instead.

    Do you take any, and did you see any positive results?

  • garybuss

    I have a friend who reads a lot and often after he would read an article about the health benefits of some health pill store vitamin he would add it to his daily handful of vitamins. He almost died from them. His liver went toxic and he was in Mayo Clinic for 4 weeks. It still is not clear if he will recover. His doctor about flipped when he saw what my friend was taking without any benefit of medical advise whatsoever. GaryB

  • IronGland

    I take a few. i take a regular multi-vitamin just in case. I also take a selenium. It supposedly lowers your risk of lung cancer, and I smoke. If you take selenium, don't take more than 200mcg, as it can also be toxic in high doses.

  • SixofNine

    GaryB, evidently, your friend didn't read quite enough. Yikes.

    I take vitamins on occasion. I take a multi, and then I take others for specific situations, with varying results ~ from none, to dramatic.

    Interestingly, while I've taken tons of Vitamin C, the most dramatic effect I've noticed is the color of my pee. If I take a relatively high dose, my pee turns bright yellow. The facinating thing is, when I'm sick with a cold, I can take large doses and my pee will stay clear until I am well again, but it doesn't really seem to speed up getting over the cold, from what I can see. Or was that tmi?

    Zinc nasal spray, Zicam, btw, has been dramatic at clearing up colds and lessening the symptoms.

  • garybuss

    You wrote:

    If I take a relatively high dose, my pee turns bright yellow. The facinating thing is, when I'm sick with a cold, I can take large doses and my pee will stay clear until I am well again, but it doesn't really seem to speed up getting over the cold, from what I can see. Or was that tmi?

    Naaaaaa! it's good to know. Thanks! I filed it under yellow pee.

  • Ravyn

    I use herbs and extracts. most hard tablets and pills are formulated to hold up in the bottle for shipping and pass thru your system undissolved. So it is the same as throwing them in the toilet. Also most multivitamins are synthetic or lab manufactured separately and then combined...whereas naturally occuring vitamins and minerals are balanced and complimentary together in the same place they were grown. I don't use natural substances in an allopathic way. Why not just take a prescription chemical drug if all you are treating is symptoms? I use homeopathic cures when appropriate. But nothing is a forever regimen. Our nutritional needs change as our diet changes---atleast 4 times a year. I don't think you can get all the nutrition you need form food nowadays, and I believe there is a need for acute care when you are sick. But I am not a pill popper.


  • drwtsn32

    I do not take any supplements... maybe I should. But what increased my health the most was leaving the WTS! For some reason I was sick a lot more when I was in the org. It could have been and probably was psychosomatic, but it was real enough.

  • metatron

    Follow the money

    The drug industry KNOWS that billions of dollars could be lost overnight - if some clinical evidence emerges that a

    cheap supplement cures a disease they've invested in. This is why supplements get put under a microscope

    while drug side effects are frequently ignored, even if deadly. I also think this leads to studies being done

    that almost seem designed to achieve negative results on supplement trials.

    Currently, the FDA is smarting because Congress took away much of their Gestapo power to regulate

    ( such as jack-booted thugs threatening doctors or mom and pop health food stores) thru DSHEA legislation.

    Asking - can supplements be dangerous? - is akin to the Watchtower questioning Christendom about hypocrisy!

    Get a subscription to Life Extension magazine - which is loaded with hard technical info and hates the FDA.

    People shouldn't be gulping handfuls of vitamins without reading up on the subject.

    Neither should they accept deceptive propaganda inspired by bureaucrats and the drug industry

    who could care less about their welfare. Doctors commonly DO NOT give PROPER and correct advice

    on nutrition - I know this from bitter experience with a chronically ill relative - who could have been helped

    if we started earlier.


  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    I don't believe our bodies were created/made to handle all the stress of living that they undergo in today's world, which is why so many people are disease-prone and their conditions are aggravated by stress.....and since stress is also attributed with depleting the body of necessary vitamins and minerals it needs to function properly, I've found it necessary to take different vitamins and minerals occasionally to offset the symptoms occasionally manifested by the depletion of certain nutrients in my body.....but I only take 'em as needed....never as a daily dose....

    Frannie B

  • Panda

    Supplements are often necessary for those of us with chronic illness. When I began taking B complex along with my regular meds I was amazed at how much better I felt after about a week. Also I take large doses of Omega-3's which help overcome some medications side affects. Zinc for obvious reasons. and a daily multiple. The benefits for me are good, but I think everyone should research whatever they plan to ingest! Yikes our poor bodies!!!

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