The one where a Levite man had a concubine, they traveled to a town where the men wanted to have sex with him. To get them to quiet down the man they were staying with threw out his concubine to the crowd. In the morning she was found dead. The levite man proceeds to cut her up and pass out her body parts to the tribes of Israel. This triggered the isrealites to start a war against the tribe of Benjamin since the men who raped her were from that tribe.
This is from Judges 19.
I read this when I was like 12 years old and it gave me nightmares. I was sick to my stomach for days.
The story where Lots daughters have sex with their father also disturbed me deeply when I read it I think I was 11 or 12.
More recently, I was studying with my son and came across the scripture where Abraham tries to kill Isaac and THAT's when I decided I wasn't going to study with him like this. The story has a different meaning when you have your own kids. I mean, even before kids it is very disturbing but now it's like...