Per Julian Assange speaking in 2011: "The goal is to use Afghanistan to wash money out of the tax bases of the US and Europe through Afghanistan and back into the hands of a transnational security elite. The goal is an endless war, not a successful war."
The unfolding crisis in Afghanistan is completely Joe Biden's fault, nobody else's
by LoveUniHateExams 46 Replies latest social current
WokenfromJWcult didn't take long to get some humor into this subject.
Whatever else may have happened, at a time like this, the following statement still does ring rather true:
However, as President John F. Kennedy ruefully noted after the Bay of Pigs failure in 1961, “victory has 100 fathers and defeat is an orphan”.
After 20 years, Afghanistan’s own government and military couldn’t stand up for itself to defeat the Taliban. But yeah, no one to blame but Biden. Because Team America are the World Police after all. The very thought of expecting a separate country to be able to manage its own internal affairs! Clearly the US should just stay there forever. (I’m not saying though that the timing was not foolish.)
I doubt there will be any sweeping “Republican” victory coming. All the Elites need to do is use the Media to sow more fear about another magical SARS variant and declare a full scale lockdown, ensuring mail in voting for all the new “citizens” flooding the US border.
Add is some creative accounting on the part of woke, Far Left criminals, and Biden’s new Domestic Terrorism definition, aka, anyone who protests anything Covid or anything related to Elections and you’ve got yourself another win.
After 20 years, Afghanistan’s own government and military couldn’t stand up for itself to defeat the Taliban. But yeah, no one to blame but Biden
Biden knew, and had forces abandon everything anyway leaving chaos behind. It's all on him.
The previous 20 years of lies are on the military and their cheerleaders in DC and in the media.
Here is an in depth recent article to how and when the withdraw of the US got started back in 2020, there are legal documents to look at as well.
I think the election followed by the change of government and the Covid virus problem took focus away from the situation in Afghanistan