So, how come it took me so long to see TTATT?
What JW Beliefs Did You Find Difficult To Explain?
by minimus 32 Replies latest jw friends
After the 1995 assemblies, I no longer tried to explain the "generation" teaching. I stopped defending the teaching on blood when they introduced the fraction loop hole. I new used the 144 000 as an argument to say how close to the end we were. And I stopped preaching that God would kill all non-JWs back when I was still a tanager.
The One Towel Rule.
Rub a Dub
minimus - "What JW beliefs did you find difficult to explain?"
None, really.
Mostly because I didn't go out of my way to talk about it all that much.
God allowing his son to be tortured to death because two naked people ate some fruit and we lost eternal life. Struggled with that as a teenager.
"The light gets brighter." I remember vividly that "tacking into the wind" Watchtower study in the early 80s that tried to put this concept into simple terms, and while it sounded good to a believing JW, you couldn't explain it to a person at the door without them giving you the fishiest of fishy looks. "Tacking into the wind" means absolutely nothing to anybody who's never been on a boat in their lives, and anybody who does know about boats knows that the way the WT used the analogy is completely ridiculous. A tacking boat may move from side to side, but it never goes backwards.
FOR JOKES: I imagine that explaining that sleeping with a pillow = masturbation could be really hard to explain.
FOR REAL: Generation.
For me it was why did Jehovah and his son choose a lying corrupt religious publishing house as their chosen select earthly organization or voice for all mankind ?
This organization after all wasn't adhering to Scripture or the words of Jesus Christ and selling the Gospel of which this organization preached bothered me as well.
Jesus = Michael
Christian = JW only
Little flock = 144,000 = only ones in new covenant = only ones going to heaven
1874 1914 1918 1925 1975...
Salvation requires unquestioning loyalty to a handful of men in New York
JWs are supposed to be ministers....ALL JWS ARE MINISTERS! Once you get baptized, you are an ordained minister. I was a 9 year old Minister. Lol... try explaining that one.🤓