So I phoned an elder in the cong and asked him: "When did the calling for the great crowd start, was it 1935? He said, "No, I think I remember a convention talk about 1950." So anyway, I said, "So then let's say in the 20th century right? And so if 8 million plus people have gotten the truth in this last century and prior to that it was the heavenly calling, then why for almost 2000 years was there only 144,000 people that found God's favor?"
He said, "I don't have an answer for that." And then went on to try to explain away about how the population now is so much more than it was way back then, and "if fact if you consider" all the inventions and blah, blah...
I brought him right back to the original argument and asked him again, "So you mean to tell me then, of the countless millions and millions of people that lived that only a 100,000 plus people found God's favor in 2000 years but in the last 100 years 8 million did? How are we to understand that?"
He said, "Some things you just have to take on faith. And you know these questions you have, sometimes we don't need to ask all these, well, we don't need to know all these questions or answers to all these questions do we? Really, if you think about it, there's a lot of things that we don't know, and we just accept them and wait for the Slave to clarify them"...and I can't recall everything of his rant after that.
But I think this is a good questions to pose to Jdubs out there. They won't know how to answer either, or will they.