“You know that you’re over the hill,
When your mind makes a promise that your body can’t fill!” - Little Feat, “Old Folks Boogie”
by joey jojo 50 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
“You know that you’re over the hill,
When your mind makes a promise that your body can’t fill!” - Little Feat, “Old Folks Boogie”
Old is when you poop and repeatedly forget to flush the toilet and don't notice the smell.
Rub a Dub
"Old" keeps moving up. Now it's the 80's and beyond.
But if a person has their health and their mind, 80's is just a number.
Well from my viewpoint y'all are looking pretty old ....
I am.
You are old when you find out 'that it takes all night to do once, what you once did all night'.
sparky: or what you once did 5 times a night you do now once a month.
When you were young, you were were laughing, your wife was raying, now when you are old, , you are crying, and your wife is laughing. (quoted from old Reader's Digest I think)
How fat is fat?
How stupid is stupid?
Like that elder in the o/p , at 51 I would have said “ that’s not old” When I passed the “ three score and ten”, I accepted that I was old.. After that the body starts to remind you that it is not what it used to be...
Believe me, the male body has ways of letting you know that you are past it !