I voiced concerns about the religion to my wife as I started my fade. It didn't help matters with her, so I went ahead and did a very quick fade- from resigning as an elder in August to completely inactive by April the next Spring.
I have a mother still in, and it makes a difference to her. It's easier with my in-law family of JW's to be faded instead of DF'ed.
I gave up the JW "friends" with only really one exception. My wife's best friend moved to the Caribbean and she doesn't treat me different because of my inactive status. But my own best friend distanced himself from me to "protect the family" from my apostate cooties. Some faders manage to hang out with JW friends, but it would have been too risky in my case (other than the wife's friend thousands of miles away). If I "fellowship," they may feel a need to "dis-fellowship." But not the case if I am not around.
I do what I want, my wife won't report me to them for sharing birthdays and Christmas with non-JW family and close friends. I go to ex-JW gatherings locally and even travel to Flipper's annual Tahoe gathering, but I am not really in-your-face about anything to my wife and certainly not to my mother. I could probably register to vote, but haven't bothered.
If I had children, I would probably have DA'ed and taught them about the vast difference between Mommy and Daddy's beliefs and how they should feel free to decide things for themselves instead of having Watchtower dictate everything.
If they "caught" me eating with DF'ed ones or celebrating dear old Dad's birthday and tried to DF me, I would write a legalistic "Doc Bob Letter" (see http://www.docbob.org/wordpress/letter-2/) that would probably make them stop. It would at least be a terrible burden upon them to pursue me. If, ultimately, they decided that totally inactive members should be DF'ed or DA'ed, I would pop in once every 5 or 6 months, dressed in Hawaiian shirt with no tie, and turn in 1-hour of "recruiting." I would arrive late and leave early too. They would hate me.
To accomplish the needed feeling of closure that disassociating might bring me, I had a private ceremony where I denounced my baptism, declaring that "they" withheld the entire truth from me about their failures and methods and that I was free to use the same types of deception and withholding of information from them in order to keep contact with my family. I burned Watchtower literature to counter their water ceremony with fire.