I always hated suit, shirt and tie and wondered why men of all walks of life should be forced to wear these uncomfortable clothes and spend the money on them. It should be remembered some of the worst people wear them, like Creepy Joe, Putin, dirty corrupt frauds in business, law etc. And of course Al Capone. With an ultra conservative leadership of old men, perhaps it is not so hard to imagine why this is considered "decent" and "meeting wear" in JW. What is your relationship to suit, shirt and tie?
Suit, shirt and tie
by JoenB75 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Iown Mylife
We kept one of my husband's ties for the skeleton decoration to wear at Halloween. All the suits, dress shoes, book bags, were donated, along with all my dresses and outfits used in field service and meetings.
If any life event in the future requires "dressing up," we'll give it a miss.
I can't remember the last time I wore a suit and tie. I don't even when I'm going for an interview (which I rarely bother with nowadays, it's all remote stuff).
I HATE them. It's so antiquated, uncomfortable, and gets in the way of focusing on your work.
It's been pretty optional (not done) in IT for many years though.
Like this man https://www.gettyimages.co.uk/photos/adolf-hitler -
St George of England
I spent my entire working life in a suit. Since I retired I wear jeans and casual clothes. However I know plenty of people such as my builder friend who love to get get dressed up when going out.
What is your relationship to suit, shirt and tie?
I'm a plumber, what do you think?
under the radar
I own two very nice, but not extravagant, suits I bought a few years ago at Men's Wearhouse. One I wore when my sweetheart and I committed matrimony, and the other I wore when I was my son's Best Man at his wedding last year. Other than those occasions and a couple of funerals, they've remained unworn and hanging in suit bags in my closet.
I'm retired, so suits and ties are brought out only when a special occasion demands it.
If I were going to a wedding or a funeral I would wear a pair of jeans with a suit top and tie. But other than that not unless I was paid to.
neat blue dog
Same goes for mustaches. Lots of respectable people have beards, but mustaches are sometimes jokes about as a porn stache or pedo stache. Just like the skirt or necktie and jacket, no basis in reality.
road to nowhere
Mandatory for zoom. Sets the mood they say. Half cameras are off.
Dont forget the dresses and skirts complete with hose. But no pants suits.
I have one very good suit for special occasions; usually a funeral for old workmates. I think it shows respect in certain settings. Of course the witness memorials are still zoom and a sermon. I will wear a tie if on camera to not do anything to detract for the bereaved.