I'm effing livid at these effing b's. To do that to a child . What kind of religion teaches you to hate a 3 year old child? And the adults in that household? Every one of them is an effing criminal. My fervent hope is that sometime in the near future governments will recognize the danger to society the adherents to this cult pose and do a Russia on them . I hope so. I sincerely hope so.
JW Kids Bullying My Daughter
by pale.emperor 54 Replies latest jw experiences
LoisLane looking for Superman
This is so wrong, cruel and sad.
I remember when I was three years old. I attended my grandfather's funeral. Three year olds can and do remember eventful happenings.
How you lovingly welcomed her, may be able to offset the ugliness of the day. Also beating the drums and singing a song from her heart, may have gotten the bad intentions directed at her, out of her system.
I am so glad she has you as her daddy.
Sweet hugs to you both.
How awesome is this? Fellow forum member Zeb cheered my daugher up by sending her a present all the way from AUSTRALIA!!
She has a message for you...
PALE- Thanks for sharing the you tube of your daughter receiving the gift from Uncle Zeb on the board . That is so sweet. Zeb is a freaking hero - I swear. It's so good to see your daughter happy and enjoying a gift that's an expression of real love or real caring from one of the board members here. I'm really happy for you and your daughter friend. Take good care of each other
pale.emperor - "...I don't think he trusts people to be 'good' on their own."
'Course he doesn't.
WT ideology explicitly teaches this.
Seeing with my own eyes that this was not the case was one of the bigger things that helped with my fade.