I miss you. You were supposed to be a hope in bad times. Where did you go?
When I was in my darkest hour you weren't there. Your servants told me it was because the fault was mine; that I didn't have enough faith in you. Nothing was further from the truth. I had total faith that you would rescue me in my darkest hour. It was atheists and those that do not believe in you that helped me through. Your servants were useless, less than useless, so I just want to say, thanks for exposing who you really are through those ones.
I miss the hope of eternal life in heaven or upon earth that you gave to me. But, you failed miserably. A life without you is no different to a world with you. Your promises failed. Your servants reflect your arrogance.
After investigating you, I realise that you are either callously indifferent or do not exist.
I miss you, but then, you never existed, did you? If you did, I wouldn't be making these conclusions.
Yours PJ