No it isn't. The fact that you still don't seem to notice what you keep saying is sad.
The Ray Franz Saga
by snugglebunny 45 Replies latest jw friends
I remember when the announcement was made at our KH - a collective gasp was heard, and it's all anyone talked about after the meeting.
Fisherman - "WT doctrine is about interpreting the Bible..." a way that supports WT doctrine.
Fisherman a way that supports WT doctrine. -Vid
How would you know unless if you knew what the Bible says to compare with wt interpretation of the Bible? And if you don't know, then it is all Greek to you, no?
New day
Fisherman, in this week's wt study we were told that directions given on how we do the ministry should be viewed as coming from God himself. We also had a recent circuit overseer visit where he quoted a scripture in Revelation about the elders being stars in Jesus' right hand, as he has complete control and can remedy any mistakes made by individuals. But he did not extend this to admit that many mistakes have been made in timing, as you even admit. You can't have it both ways. Either he is in control and responsible for the mistakes made through the years, or the GB and the local elders are on their own(hence all the mistakes made!).
Fisherman - "How would you know unless if you knew what the Bible says to compare with wt interpretation of the Bible?"
A truly creative person could probably use the Bible to justify pogo-sticking naked under the full moon.
If you haven't realized by now that the WTS crafts its policies for primarily mundane reasons, and then quote-mines scriptures to justify them, you'll probably never realize it.
If you haven't realized by now that the WTS -vid
It ain't about the wt, there is something more that validates the wt, HS. But that is another subject matter. My previous response to your post meant that you can only invalidate wt Bible translations and doctrines with those you knew were correct.
After an elder's meeting with the circuit overseer, actually Fred Lanier. . . .Lanier lingered after the meeting. unusually. It was obvious he had something to tell us. can't remember the exact year '81 or so. . . .Lanier in chit chat after the meeting talked about the df-shipping of Franz. . He attributed it to some closet Bible studies within Bethel reaching the conclusion that there was a secondary heavenly class. The message sent was that Ray had lost his humility and was stubbornly trying to promote new truth.. . . .for what its worth
TMS, It would not be fair to RF to publish anything more about his case than what is publicly known without him being around to defend any claims and I am not saying that there is anything more because even implying it would not be fair to the man. He published his version of what happened and of course he knew what actually happened as well as others that also knew.
IT is true though what you are saying about these groups in Bethel and besides that, teachings were being published through in the wt that were not agreed upon and sometimes subtly, and that is a brazen thing to do (not that RF had anything to do with it but someone did.) I GUESS: I will say this that he did not agree with more powerful GB and he firmly believed in going in a certain direction and he was sternly opposed and he held his position and his view and acted upon it probably figuring it was his duty and I aslo guess that he figured that God would back him up (I already posted something like this previoualy) .
Fisherman TMS, It would not be fair to RF to publish anything more about his case than what is publicly known without him being around to defend any claims and I am not saying that there is anything more because even implying it would not be fair to the man
He was a Governing Body member and they df'd him. There were all sorts of rumors and lies that were being spread around about him.
The Watchtower should have published the truth about the situation rather than let lies be spread.