Today's Text - Jehovah is my helper!

by Divergent 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Divergent

    Tuesday, October 18

    Jehovah is my helper; I will not be afraid.—Heb. 13:6.

    “People often comment about how happy Jehovah’s Witnesses are,” says a longtime elder in a developing country. “They also notice that even poor Witnesses are always nicely dressed and appear to be better off than others.” This harmonizes with the promise Jesus made to those who put the Kingdom first. (Matt. 6:28-30, 33) Yes, your heavenly Father, Jehovah, loves you and wants only the best for you and your children. “The eyes of Jehovah are roving about through all the earth to show his strength in behalf of those whose heart is complete toward him.” (2 Chron. 16:9) He has given us his commandments—including those relating to family life and material needs—for our benefit. When we follow them, we show that we love him and trust in him. “This is what the love of God means, that we observe his commandments; and yet his commandments are not burdensome.”—1 John 5:3. w14 4/15 4:19, 20

    10 important questions to be asked:

    1. "Jehovah is my helper; I will not be afraid"

    Well, Jehovah did NOTHING to help all the thousands of helpless child / sexual abuse victims over the years, so he is not much of a helper!

    2. “People often comment about how happy Jehovah’s Witnesses are,” says a longtime elder in a developing country.

    Looks like he made this up himself. If he had REALLY gone out to ask the public for their opinion, he would have heard more realistic comments, such as how annoying they are going from door to door shoving religion down peoples' throats, how stupid they look standing besides a literature cart / trolley, how disgusting the scandals of their religion are, how weird they are in following the absurd man-made rules of their religion, and how pitiful they are not knowing that they are in a cult!

    3. “They also notice that even poor Witnesses are always nicely dressed and appear to be better off than others.”

    Key word: "appear". If Jehovah REALLY provides for his people, there wouldn't be any poor JW's in the first place!

    4. This harmonizes with the promise Jesus made to those who put the Kingdom first.

    JW's are at the very BOTTOM! Jehovah is NOT providing for them much, is he?

    5. Yes, your heavenly Father, Jehovah, loves you and wants only the best for you and your children.

    I thought the end is around the corner and we should put off marrying / having children???

    6. “The eyes of Jehovah are roving about through all the earth to show his strength in behalf of those whose heart is complete toward him.”

    Back to the child abuse victims. These are INNOCENT and DEFENCELESS children and youths. If there are any who Jehovah should show his strength in behalf of, it is to these ones. And yet, this self-proclaimed God of LOVE has FAILED miserably in doing so!

    7. He has given us his commandments—including those relating to family life and material needs—for our benefit.

    Many have followed the org's advice only to find themselves old, childless, lonely, neglected, depressed, and financially unstable. NOT beneficial at all!

    8. When we follow them, we show that we love him and trust in him.

    More like, following and trusting 7 old farts in Brooklyn

    9. “This is what the love of God means, that we observe his commandments; and yet his commandments are not burdensome.”

    Burdensome indeed they are! The cult thrives on burdensome man-made rules and regulations, which CANNOT be questioned even when they make no sense!

    10. The last question is reserved for active JW's here who are still undecided: Can you HONESTLY say that you are happy / satisfied / fulfilled as a JW?

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  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Ah, you forgot to mention that a non - Witness was "blessed" when he prayed to be shown where the leak was in a new building project - because he promised to study with J.W.'s if successful. (really appreciate it if someone could provide the reference for this one - can't trace it now)

    Also, the Witnesses in Burma who abandoned their chickens in order to attend a 3-day convention, only to return and find that many of them had died - because they couldn't get anyone to look after them. However, within a year they were "blessed" with many more chickens. (2013 Yearbook Page 138)

    What more proof do you need?

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  • Half banana
    Half banana

    By having a pretext for dressing well, very poor people can be satisfied with this illusion of wealth. JWs read this as a blessing from God!

    It's all surface, it's all illusion, underneath the veneer is a corrupt Bible thumping, money grabbing cult called JW ORG.

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  • TheWonderofYou

    Hebr. 13,6 "The Lord is my helper"

    from Codex Sinaiticus Archiv BL Folio 293b scribe: A.

    C.S. is the first complete bible manuscript writting in the 4 century A.D. In the Codex Sinaiticus the New Testament is written in koiné greek and the OT followed the text of the Septuaginta which was the bible the first christian used. Look how koiné greek looked like. Kyrios-Lord was abbreviated KC here

    κϲ εμοι βοηθοϲ (transcription) arabic: kurios emoi boethos

    Kc (Κύριος) = The Lord

    ἐμοὶ = emoi = is

    βοηθός = boethos =my helper


    I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?”

    ου φοβηθηϲομαι = (kai) ou phobethesomai (and) not I will be afraid

    τι ποιηϲει = ti poeisei what will

    μοι = moi an : to me

    ανθρωποϲ = anthropos: man

    this is

    I will not be afraid. What can man do to me? (NWT)


    Compare this to the modern greek language that is used today by greek speeking people. Looks very similar. Even Kúrios for LORD.

    Κύριος ἐμοὶ βοηθός, [c]οὐ φοβηθήσομαι· τί ποιήσει μοι ἄνθρωπος;


    But the J.W. bible (NWT) uses Jehova (in greek Ιεχωβά) where kyrios stands in the oldest manuscript!

    “Jehovah* is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?”
    and in the modern greek NWT

    «Ο Ιεχωβά είναι βοηθός μου· δεν θα φοβηθώ. Τι μπορεί να μου κάνει άνθρωπος;»

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  • tor1500

    HI All,

    I'm a witness...They also notice that even poor Witnesses are always nicely dressed and appear to be better off than others. Don't believe the hype, witnesses are not the poorest...they are the best at saying they are poor, it sounds more holy & think they are making points with Jehovah...I go to a congregation most of the folks live houses, condo's & co-op & not to mention they own property else where...they cry poor because they don't want the other friends to think they got money so they won't be asked. All of them have keys to a place to live. There are many users in congregation, looking for folks they can use...that's why many pioneer, so they feel the friends can take up the slack. Don't ask a married sister for no $$$...she'll say, I have to ask my most of you know the sisters are the ones the control the purse strings...also know folks who borrow & never give back, why? Because we are family.

    Jehovah provides for the friends, believe me....but when you buy something, they say, well the FDS says keep a simple life. Most of them have cars, but won't give you a ride. I've seen folks have one type of car one week then another car the next month...oh yeah, they park it far away so no one will know.....I've seen some say they got rid of their car so they don't have to drive anyone home...yet, if you stay a little past the meeting, they tip around the corner & get in the car, THEY DON'T HAVE...

    So JW's are not poor nor are they the least educated...they go to college, have $$, again, this is just for show for Jehovah & for the friends...

    They think having money is a sin & satan is the one supplying the money..

    Again, all don't believe the hype... if anyone reads the bible, ain't too many stories of poor folks & when it is...they are nameless...the bible was written by rich jewish men...


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  • TheWonderofYou

    The production of bible scrolls was expensive too in the ancient time, not everyone could have a personal copy of the bible. So the rich? apostle Paul had some scrolls for daily usage.

  • Divergent

    The Searcher — I've seen testimonies from wealthy people of other churches who claim god has blessed them with their abundant wealth, while JW's are blessed with CHICKENS??? No comparison there!

    Half banana — Yes, it's all a mere illusion, everything is superficial. Totally meaningless!

    TheWonderOfYou — Good catch!

    tor1500 — Yes, there are congs with affluent ones, but when you look at the overall picture, JW's are still the religion with the POOREST people, as evidence by the chart in my OP


    Today's Text - Jehovah is my helper!

    Only if you run out of ways to cook hamburger..


    ..Image result for Jehovah name

    Image result for hamburger helper

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  • LongHairGal


    I agree with most of what you said in your post. Some Witnesses DO pretend to be poor so that the "Friends" don't ask them for money. What do you expect in a religion filled with users and hypocrisy?

    I saw those that were well-off and I did not begrudge them their riches. I worked and bought myself what I wanted and I saw that some resented me or thought I "owed" somebody something!

    I noticed the Witnesses were likely the most full-of-sh#t bunch of people I had ever met. This was very hurtful to see back in the day when I was struggling to make it "work". What a joke.

    Yes, not all but many there are looking for someone they can use. They want somebody else to have that spirit of self-sacrifice. It wasn't going to be me, since they criticized me for working full-time. Nope, I wouldn't give these idiots a dime or the time of day...and I didn't want anything from them either except to be left alone.

    I didn't care that I was not popular or considered not "spiritual". That was the price for refusing to be targeted by all the users.

    Before I found TTATT, I resolved to come and go by myself and work by myself because I wasn't going to be damaged by the religion or anybody in it. Truly a sad state of affairs, but at least it's in the past.

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  • Nevuela

    3. “They also notice that even poor Witnesses are always nicely dressed and appear to be better off than others.”

    Yes, because they're pressured to spend what little money they have on eye-pleasing outfits to wear to meetings. Women may be able to find nice dresses, blouses and skirts at thrift stores (some of the best clothes I've ever owned are from such places) but men and boys have no such luck. Those suits don't come cheap, and it's extremely rare to find one (in good condition, no less) at a thrift store, meaning they have to pay full price. Growing boys better hope they have an older brother to receive hand-me-downs from, or their poor parents will have to shell out $$$ for a new suit every few months.

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