It’s funny how people can turn on you. A few short months ago he was beloved. Now, even the diehard fans are questioning the man’s integrity.
What Do You Think of Dr. Fauci?
by minimus 54 Replies latest jw friends
What Do You Think of Dr. Fauci?
I don't think of him. Is he the American version of the UK's Chris Whitty?
You don't want me to say what I think of him. It wouldn't be allowed from the platform in a Kingdom Hall.
Fauci needs to be impeached
Brock Talon
Fauci argued in a 2012 paper that the benefit of Gain-of-Function research into bat virus "was worth the risk of a pandemic."
Fauci then backed Wuhan lab with $millions of U.S. dollars.
For those who deny Fauci funded the Wuhan lab research (because Lefty reporting media denies that COVID even started in China or Wuhan at all) read here how Fauci ADMITS himself to funding the Wuhan lab research, but denies it was for "gain-of-function."
I ask you, if Fauci wrote in a report in 2012 that "gain-of-function research" was worth the risk of a pandemic and then later in 2018-2019 funded a lab that did in fact perform gain-of-function research, why would we believe that the funding he provided was NOT for gain-of-function itself? Does that make any sense? What WAS the funding for then?
So, did COVID19 start in Wuhan? All evidence (supported by actual science) shows it did.
Why are any of you out there STILL defending this lying moron?
Anony Mous
@Rattigan: he can’t be impeached. This is the problem with the majority of deep state operators. They are appointed, sometimes for life, by unelected commissions from private institutions funded by omnibus spending packages all with a serious inbreeding problem.