Hey Fried (great name), um.....more than likely, given the JW mindset, it doesn't take much before someone gets bent out of shape, and suspect you are an apostate or some anti-JW person.
Here, things are quite different.
First off, this is a website for mostly ex-Jehovah's Witnesses. Yup, we're the bad ones.
Anything that remotely appears to be opposite to 'their' (JW) thinking/teaching/doctrine, you're going to be called on it, and more than likely, they'll suspect YOU are one of us: a lovely apostate .
There will no doubt, be a few members of this forum, who may be able to give you a more in-depth explanation of why they may have been so bent out of shape re: dying angel.
Anyways Fried, I hope you'll hang around on here.
Take a look at some of the doctrinal threads/LINKS section. There'll be stuff in there, that you probably won't see on a JW board/chat room.
Take care, and again: Welcome to the forum.