Another Newbie

by Drifting Away 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • raven

    Hi there DA,

    I too am in the process of fading, it is a very painful process personally, I would love to talk back and forth to see how things are going for you on your journey. I was born into the org as well, pioneer of the congragation, parts at assemblies and conventions, yada yada... I have always felt something was off but ignored it and went along with things for the happiness of others...

    Much love to you on your journey, I'm very interested in getting to read your story soon someday!

  • DesirousOfChange


    The fact that your wife knows your feelings and isn't fighting you on the issue is very positive. I would think that it means that she has some serious doubts and concerns too. But there is always that "Where else would we go?" thing that holds people captive.

    The best advice anyone can offer is GO SLOW! Just like the new JW Study who runs and blasts all their family members with what they are "learning" from their Bible Study, we tend to do the same thing when we discover TTATT. This is particularly true if you're trying to ease your wife to exit too.

    Baby Steps.

    Good luck,


  • Ding


    When you tell us your story, please include (1) what first got you questioning the WT and (2) what finally convinced you that it's not the truth?

  • John Free
    John Free

    Hello drifting!!

    You are one of the strong ones. You found the courage to confront the truth about 'the truth'. Take things slowly with your nearest and dearest, play a good game and pretend your just 'struggling'.

    Congratulations and welcome to freedom.

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast
    You are with friends, real friends.
  • steve2

    Welcome Drifting Away. The great thing about linking in with a forum such as this is you can post as and when you want to and are able.

    I totally get what it is like when so many of one's family, extended family and friends are in some way connected to the jw organization.

    There is no urgency.

    The only ones who will be telling you there is urgency are JWs trying to spook you back into returning. They have always cashed in on the illusion that the end is almost here. Meanwhile, decades keeping passing by, oblivious to religious threats about the nearness of the end.

    Take your time - it's actually on your side.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite


    If you want to fade, take your time, do your research, and figure out what you're comfortable with. My fade took a few years, but it has been worth it. There's no need to be in a huge hurry, it's not like armageddon is coming any time soon.

  • goingthruthemotions

    Welcome Drifting away....I am in the same boat. I have been for 2.5 years. all i could say is batten down the hatches. it's going to be a stormy ride.

    Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Drifting Away
    Drifting Away

    Thank you all...The emotions one goes thru in this process are insane. I have good days, and bad days, and say to myself " I am an adult, I can choose what I want to believe" so I dont get why my feelings go back and fourth so much. It is all I think about now, and think of how I will respond to people when they ask me questions as to how i have been, or is everything alright..

    Thanks again for those that understand and are in same boat as me..

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Welcome to the forum, Drifting Away.

    I agree with Billy the Ex-Bethelite's post - a continued fade at your own pace and in your own way sounds very reasonable.

    I, too, have drifted away - it's worth it if you can be patient and put your feelings on hold when you speak to JW family.

    Of course, this forum's an excellent place for venting your feelings and frustrations with the Watchtower cult.

    Look forward to reading more of your posts.

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