April 19, 2017 BOE Re: Kingdom Ministry School for the 2018 Service Year
by wifibandit 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Thanks for posting WiFi!
I noticed a PS: "Please ensure that all ministerial servants receive a copy of this letter or are informed of its contents."
Is this new that "elders" and "servants" get copies of letters? It used to be that no one was supposed to make copies of any of these letters!
Wasanelder Once
It is a merely a letter of notification that there IS a school to be held. One day for MS and one for elders no doubt. There's nothing confidential in it. Most MS will merely be told. Nothing earth shattering here, please drive thru.
As I said on another heading.. SCHOOL . So the wt does run a form of school. A while ago this was denied and some time back some kh were reported as removing their signs that said.. 'school'.
More admonishment on how to thrash the flock!
The beatings will continue until morale improves.
Once again, we hear of these things quicker via this forum, than through the "correct" channels!
Hmmm.... the keen young ones, and those who fancy a day in all male company away from the wife, will be pleased.
The old ones who are tired anyway will groan inwardly but put on a brave face. After all, one must not show any form of dissent........
Thank you! I guess I will have to go tonight to get my letter! :)
And of the 8 hours how many will focus on Donations, ...let me guess......
I have an idea for a new school item: "Lessons learned from the ARC."