I stopped going to Kingdom Hall meetings about nine years ago. I was fading for the longest time, refused to go out in field service, dropped out of the Ministry School talks, no longer answered at the Watchtower Study, arrived at the meetings the last second, and left as soon as possible. I couldn't take attending the meetings any longer. My sanity was taking a toll on me. Being true to myself, I walked out of the door and never went back.
When was your last Kingdom Hall meeting?
by RULES & REGULATIONS 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
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At least five years here. Probably closer to 7 years.
I bumped into a JW "friend" one day who said, "I hear you guys are missing a lot of meetings?"
My reply was, "You are misinformed. We have not missed ANY of the meetings!" And left it at that.
The greatest revenge is living a happy and successful life.
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2-3 weeks before the lockdown ,I was attending a meeting about every 6 weeks or so but I would arrive late and leave early ,I just couldn't listen to the crap anymore ,so never got any logins for zoom and I never told the elders my address or mobile number and those that had my number I blocked them I'm surprised I don't really miss anyone at the hall , still have contact with family members as they live some distance away but they must have an idea because they know ones in my former congregation's .
Never going back to the cult
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2-3 weeks before the lockdown ,I was attending a meeting about every 6 weeks or so but I would arrive late and leave earlyWere you ever asked why you were missing so many meetings?
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Because of leaving a abusive marriage as the victim I was asked to go to the sister congregation sharing the same hall about two years ago and started fading straight away , because I walked away from the marriage I was veiwed as a bad association ,at the start someone did ask i just made a excuse and over time extended the length of time between meetings and nobody really bothered which made it easier to fadeaway.
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I bumped into a JW "friend" one day who said, "I hear you guys are missing a lot of meetings?"
I used to sit next to the last row at my Kingdom Hall. An elder, wife and their two boys would sit in front of me. The boys were about six and four years old.
Five years ago at my mom's funeral, the oldest boy told me that he missed seeing me, and wanted to know when I was coming back to the meetings. He was really sincere. I really had no answer.
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stan livedeath
It was a sunday public talk at a circuit assembly in my home town. I agreed to go with my born in wife to stop her nagging. autumn 1980. Later that evening we went for a meal with a married JW couple we were friends with.
Unexpected outcome---this led to me having an affaire with the married sis.
Nag and i separated in new year 1981 and divorced the same year. By then i was living with the other woman. It didnt last. But at least it severed any last remaining ties to the cult i grew up in and came to hate.
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