Special Pioneer Couple Living at a Kingdom Hall In Miami FL, get the dreaded Letter

by James Jack 96 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Driving Force
    Driving Force


    I agree with what you say, I too really felt I was doing what God wanted.

  • LongHairGal

    James Jack:

    You are probably right and the religion will expect that from the congregations! The appeals for money are going to be never-ending and outrageous!

    This is not going to be received well by the poor JW rank & file who are tired of hearing it.

    Can you imagine the resentment of JWs who were criticized for working at full-time jobs like I was??? This is why I'm glad I'm NOT there anymore because I would tell somebody off very impolitely if they came up to me to ask for money.

    Sorry about these bethelites and special pioneers' predicament and hope that JWs with businesses will give them a job. They're not going to like working hard in the real world and some of them are going to have to swallow their pride! But that's the way it is.

    The RELIGION deceived them!

  • Listener
    Jesuit Scholar - thankyou for your thoughtful post. This is really another example of how the Organization/Society/God's earthly part of his Kingdom exists on its own and in its own right. It's not interested in being loving and christian towards its own followers, that is only superficial but its main focus is on its self survival.
  • OnTheWayOut

    Here's why I originally started commenting on this forum. I thought (back in 2005-6) that it was especially sad that Watchtower would take the best years of young adults' lives and then toss them aside when they lay off Bethelites. It doesn't matter that it's Bethelites or Special Pioneers- Watchtower acts like it's such a high privilege with great rewards to be part of their "family" and it's just good business when they want to get rid of paying them.

    These people sacrifice everything for a promised paradise around the next corner, being told they will never grow old (okay, say being misled to believe such) and short of reaching paradise quickly, they expect Watchtower to keep them on as poverty-wage minions for the things they have done.

    I am imaging the worst one- the double stab in the back. A Bethelite couple laid off in 2005 after a couple decades told that they can remain Special Pioneers in some jerkwater rural area for the rest of their lives, and now that's been taken away. They joined the "family" young and have no current chance at receiving Social Security because they aren't even in their 60's yet, just their 50's, and there isn't much there anyway when they do reach their retirement age. They have actually worked their asses off for Watchtower but live off the generosity of some congregation and whatever parttime work they scrapped by with.

  • flipper
    " Go in peace, keep warm and well fed. " Yes indeed WT society is a criminal organization . SIck
  • James Jack
    James Jack

    It is interesting to note how the "Rank and File" respond to these cutbacks. They are almost "kiddy" about it.

    I believe that a lot of the R & F are somewhat jealous of Regular & Special Pioneers as well of those in the "Fulltime Service. You have to admit, it is easy to tell if one is a pioneer or not just by the way they conduct themselves and talk to you. They have a certain "air" about themselves.

    Many of the R & F that I have talked to about all these "reductionsh", are happy to see it!

    One common expression is: "Now they can see what we have to go through every day".

    I know that every time I have visited a Bethel location (at least 10 separate times), there is always some Bethelites that ask you; "What's it like out there? or Is it really that bad out there like we see on TV news?

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    So much for Bethel "family".

    Families don't put their members out on the street. Families find a way to take care of their own, even if it means adding water to the stew to make it go-round.

  • James Jack
    James Jack
    The ones that remain, will be even more special and empowered!
  • steve2

    This will backfire over time.

    The unintended message to the rank and file will be, "You don't need to exert yourselves so much in the field".

    Across the board, there will be a drop-off in hours spent in the field, despite "invitations" to regular pioneer.

    Watch and see.

  • Mephis
    I do feel empathy for those who've built their entire lives on a lie, and now suddenly find themselves thrust out without major skills to adapt and prosper in the world outside. But that's something many of us have been through, and we do it without even the social network of dubland. Cruel cult. Love does not mean what they think it means.

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