Just saw the movie "A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood" with Tom Hanks as Fred Rogers. Excellent acting and story-line. It brought back many fond memories as a child.
Underneath Mr. Rogers kind character was deep anger at how the world treated kids. He chose to express that anger in healthy ways, by treating kids with respect and showing others how to do it.
Such a contrast with the Watchtower Organization which had regular child beatings outside the Kingdom Halls on Thursday nights in the 1960's when the show really got going on the networks.
How Many of you Remember Mr. Rogers Neighborhood?
by Sea Breeze 20 Replies latest social entertainment
Sea Breeze
I remember Mr Rogers when I was a kid. I watched it a lot since I found it so corny but I still liked it.
When Eddie Murphy did the "Mr Robinson's Neighborhood" thing on Saturday Night Live, I found it to be hilarious. I still remember several of the of the shows and there are quite a few of his skits on you tube.
One of the funniest was when his teaching "word of the day". He held up the word "ransom."
He then put it into a sentence. He said "I ran-some dog out of my yard today."
God, those things were funny. You really have to go to you tube and watch some of those skits.
Rub a Dub
I never watched it except when my little bro would be watching and I was sitting in the livingroom. For me as a teen it was too pansy. But I can see how it fits for a 5 to 7 yo.
Holden Caufield
I saw the movie it was good.
"the Watchtower Organization which had regular child beatings outside the Kingdom Halls on Thursday nights in the 1960's when the show really got going on the networks."
could you explain this ?
It was filmed in the birthplace of the jw religion.
Sea Breeze
It was common practice in the 60’s for parents to take “misbehaving” children who couldn’t sit still during the two hour Thursday night meeting outside the Kingdom Hall and literally beat them with a belt.
Sea Breeze
Fred Rogers was an ordained Presbyterian minister.
I loved the movie! I have watched a few episodes lately and the messages that he instills in kids are exactly what I need now, lol! I am bawling watching some of them!
Still Totally ADD
Sea Breeze I remember being on the hurt end of a old hair brush when I was a little kid. My wife and I loved the movie. Parents of the brog could have learned alot from Mr. Roger's. But after all he was a minister from a religion other than the borg, so he didn't know what he was talking about. Still Totally ADD