2020 Memorial Talk Outline!
by Atlantis 21 Replies latest jw friends
St George of England
This is the place to come!
Thank you
Atlantis ...
As always, fantastic.
Rub a Dub
When Jesus “comes” during the great tribulation, he will gather his remaining “chosen ones” to heaven,
Interesting comment in the talk, but I thought Jesus was already here ?
Rub a Dub
Pete Zahut
Jesus "commanded" his disciples to remember his loving act in a simple ceremony, which is held once a year as a memorial (Lu 22:19,20)
And having taken the bread, having given thanks, He broke it and gave to them, saying, "This is My body, which is given for you; do this in remembrance of Me,"I'm surprised at how much of this I've become unclear about.
The way I see this scripture, Jesus was saying that when you observe the Passover celebration, when you eat unleavened bread and drink red wine, which is part of the passover celebration, do it in remembrance of me.
JW's don't believe that they are required to celebrate the passover anymore . I don't see that this scripture indicates that Jesus intended to replace the passover celebration with a memorial of his death. It seems like he's saying to remember him during the passover celebration. I also see no indication that from that point on, his followers would be expected to go around the community, inviting non believers to observe the celebration with them, they way JW'd do today.
Where did that come in to play? Am I missing something?
Got it, thanks!
Thanks Petra.....
It's amazing that we have this the same time or before the speaker gets it
Pete Zahut.
I can only say that 1 Corinthians 11 tells us that the Lords Evening Meal was being observed ,and abused, by the Corinthian congregation of mixed Jews and Greeks...... so the first century Christians did not see it as a purely Jewich thing.
As forthe Gt Crowd observing? Yes that is a purely JW concept since other churches do not have dual destinies.
Very detailed for such a short talk. Not much room for improvisation. “How to show appreciation?” How about obeying the Law of Christ and partaking???