Heil Trump. Sieg Heil.

by oppostate 108 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot


    So to some up, Jacob, a politician lied.

    It's what he lies about that matters. Essentially, what you're doing is making up excuses for the man.

  • juandefiero

    Found this bit of satire I read this evening amusing considering this thread:

    If you're into self-dramatization, Donald Trump’s candidacy is perfect for you.

    Half of the Washington political class is vowing to vote for Hillary -- even Stalin! -- over Trump; psychologists (and massage therapists) report they are treating patients for "Trump anxiety"; lengthy thought-pieces on Trump have no room to mention his signature issue, immigration, but get prolix on George Wallace, Mussolini and Hitler. (Never Mao, Stalin or Lenin, curiously.)

    You're going to have to act quickly if you hope to be among the first 200 princesses to feel the pea under 15 layers of mattresses.

    To save you time, I will provide the prototype. Do not be surprised if the following turns up, word for word, under the byline of David Brooks, Stephen Hayes, Cokie Roberts, every single writer for Salon, Gawker, National Review, Commentary and The Huffington Post. And then, of course, Fareed Zakaria will steal it.

    ** ** **

    "J'accuse Donald Trump”

    Watching the candidacy of Donald Trump, I am continually struck by his resemblance to a man who came to power in a far-off land nearly 85 years ago, a historical epic that I had naively hoped was well buried in the past.

    Consider the following:

    -- Adolf Hitler held gigantic rallies, where he inspired millions with rousing speeches. Donald Trump holds gigantic rallies, where he inspires millions with rousing speeches.

    -- Adolf Hitler talked about making his country great again. Donald Trump talks about making his country great again.

    -- Adolf Hitler promised military victories. Donald Trump promises military victories.

    -- Adolf Hitler had a loyal and overweight henchman, Hermann Goering. Donald Trump has a loyal and overweight henchman, Chris Christie.

    -- Adolf Hitler blamed a specific group of immigrants for all the nation's problems (Ed: Jews weren't immigrants -- Close enough!). Donald Trump blames a specific group of immigrants for all the nation's problems.

    -- Adolf Hitler vowed to build a wall (Ed: Wait a minute -- when did Hitler talk about a wall? Shhhh! Nevermind!) Donald Trump vows to build a wall.

    -- Adolf Hitler was a teetotaler. Donald Trump is a teetotaler.

    -- Adolf Hitler had a hobby that he enjoyed very much (painting). Donald Trump has a hobby that he enjoys very much (golf).

    -- Adolf Hitler had an opulent home in the city as well as a country home, "The Berghof" in Berchtesgaden. Donald Trump has an opulent home in the city as well as a country home, "Mar-a-Lago" in Palm Beach.

    -- Adolf Hitler was involved with a woman from Central Europe, Eva Braun. Donald Trump is married to a woman from Central Europe, Melania Knauss.

    -- Adolf Hitler had a pact with the Soviet Union from 1939 to 1941; Donald Trump said nice things about Russian president Vladimir Putin.

    -- Adolf Hitler required all non-Jewish, German civilians to greet one another with a rigid right-arm salute, while exclaiming "Heil!" or "Heil Hitler!" Donald Trump has asked audiences to promise to vote for him by raising their hands, which is the PRECISELY same thing.

    -- Adolf Hitler was a vegetarian; Donald Trump has never smoked.

    -- Adolf Hitler forcibly annexed Czechoslovakia. Donald Trump tried to merge two casinos in Atlantic City.

    -- Adolf Hitler invested hundreds of millions of dollars on German aviation to upgrade the Luftwaffe. Donald Trump has invested hundreds of millions of dollars in private jets.

    -- Adolf Hitler never had any children, but if he had, they would probably have been blond. Both of Donald Trump's daughters are blond.

    -- Adolf Hitler's favorite food was liver dumplings, a dish very similar to meatloaf. (Ed.: They're not remotely similar. No one knows that.) Donald Trump's favorite food is meatloaf.

    -- Adolf Hitler had light hair and a moustache. Donald Trump has light hair and a moustache. (This has not been definitively established, but some who knew Trump in the 1970s recall that he had a moustache, albeit a fuller, longer one.)

    -- One of Adolf Hitler's idols was World War I fighter pilot Manfred von Richthofen, also known as "the Red Baron." Donald Trump's son is named Barron. (It's spelled differently, but sounds the same.)

    -- Adolf Hitler liked Eva Braun because she was very attractive; Donald Trump's wife, Melania, is very attractive.

    -- Adolf Hitler vowed to exterminate entire races; Donald Trump has vowed to exterminate ALL Mexicans and Central Americans. (Mr. Trump has yet to call for this, but if he had, it would be an amazing parallel and speak very ill of his character.)

    -- One of Adolf Hitler's favorite desserts, not his No. 1 favorite, but one he enjoyed several times a year, was chocolate ice cream. Donald Trump has talked about formerly liking Oreos. (Recently, he vowed never to eat Oreos again because Nabisco moved its factories to Mexico. This does not negate his previous position on the cookie.)

    -- Adolf Hitler was known for erecting concentration camps – surrounded by walls to keep people out, particularly Mexicans. (Ed: That's not true.) Donald Trump wants to build a wall.

    -- Allowing Adolf Hitler to come to power was a horrible mistake for an entire nation; allowing Donald Trump to come to power will be a horrible mistake for an entire nation.

    In conclusion, [dramatic music plays] I have covered American politics for 30 years. For the first time in my life I am afraid for my country. Very afraid. Very, very afraid. Very, very, very afraid.
  • Fisherman

    If there is any irony at all in this election, trump will win.

    But no matter who gets elected will have to fall into place and kept in place with checks and balances. It is about steering the ship and signing the pay checks. Anyone can do that. About steering the ship in the right direction depends on who the president chooses to listen to. Depending on who gets elected will favor his friends and his agendas with the power that he does have not regulated by checks and balances. There are some bad decisions that a president can make though that can hurt the country and hasten the sinking of the titanic. One example: The Obama government implemented laws that affected commerce. On the one hand the laws were drafted to benefit the American people because the laws purported to make US safer but on the other hand they burdened trade tediously making it more difficult for business resulting in much higher prices -and the American people pays the price. Before Obama care, when you went to a hospital in the US they pulled a gun on you and they demanded your house all of your money and any property you have PLUS they got money from the government -after they treated you of course. After Obama, doctors are not happy hospitals are not happy because they cannot squeeze people anymore -so they make less money. Less money less incentive. What is more important your money or your life?" If you cut down my percentage it might interfere with my aim" -Clint Eastwood aka "Blondie"

    Cant squeeze the American people anymore for money because they don't have it and A LOT of Americans need welfare, medicaid, housing help just to live on. USA is changed to socialist Religions are loaded and they have a lot of $$ and expensive property and so does big business. Interesting to watch what the next president deploys.Can't raise INCOME taxes but raise fines and licenses and fees and tobacco and alcohol and import duties. If gov favors big business products are cheaper to produce and more affordable but they will still squeeze as much as they can in price from the consumer albeit, prices will be cheaper. If gov squeezes big business, prices will soar and businesses will be forced to close. I am just waiting to see what happens.

    People vote for the image and the talk but when the President gets elected, he does whatever he wants to do and not what he said he would do before he got elected. I do not think that the Caucases truly represent the votes of the state. I think that they are rigged. Just my view, my opinion only. I do not endorse anyone. Just how I see things. I know nothing at all about poltics.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    It's what he lies about that matters - interesting. It seems you're saying it's ok to lie about some matters (Clinton letting Monica Lewinski suck his penis, then denying sexual relations occurred) but not others.

    Essentially, what you're doing is making up excuses for the man - not so. I've clearly stated on this and other threads that I think Trump says bigoted things, he's wrong to do that, and his suitability as a candidate is questionable, to say the least.

  • LoveUniHateExams
    And still genuine concerns over illegal immigration and terrorism goes unacknowledged ...
  • LisaRose

    Although I don't see illegal immigration as being the huge problem that Trump does, I do think it's something that should be addressed. This is a problem that has gone on for years with with collusion of both parties. The democrats don't want to lose the Hispanic vote and the republicans are controlled by big business, who wants cheap labor and a growing economy. There is just not the political will to fix the problem, Trump will not change that, even if elected.

    People want to blame the people coming here illegally and punish them, but as long as there are jobs people will come, you can't blame people for wanting to improve their situation in life. We have done them a disservice by letting them come, but not giving them a path to make their situation legal, which creates all kinds of problems for them as well as us. Mass deportations are not the solution, it's not going to happen, it would be a logistical, legal, fiscal and human rights nightmare. Politicians who say they for mass deportations are pandering to people who want to hear this, they know it won't happen, don't fall for it. Decide how much immigration needs to happen, give law abiding immigrants a path to legality, deport the rest.

    Although immigrants actually have a lower than average crime rate, it does create a problem for law enforcement. Some cities cooperate with ICE, some don't, it's a mess, inconsistent and unfair. If we gave these people a path to legalization we would have more control over who is here and why and make law enforcement easier. And as long as there are so many people coming here for jobs we will never secure our borders, which gives terrorists an easy path to follow. If we didn't have a flow of illegal immigration, ICE could focus on keeping out terrorists, border control would have an easier time securing the borders and keeping out the drug trade b

    Building a wall will not work. As long as there are jobs people will come, so you would just be wasting your money. You don't need a wall to stop illegal immigration, you could stop it by preventing employers from hiring them. A national ID card (with biometric functionality that employers could use to verify), stiffer penalties for hiring illegals and a robust enforcement agency would stop 90% of illegal employment. With no jobs, most illegal immigrants would not come. During the recession immigration stopped, many even went back to their country's of origin.

    If there is any good in Trumps bigotry and pandering to people who fear immigrants it's that it has forced the issue out for discussion. If people want this issue fixed they need to start making it a priority, not just in the presidential election, but in every election. If enough people demand a solution this issue could be fixed.

  • Finkelstein

    I think Trump is playing the American public as fools, he isn't trying to win the presidency as he himself knows he can never do or accomplish but he's certainly in the mind set that what he's doing is building up or promoting all the businesses in which he's has a connecting involvement with.

    He points out how he can make America better but in reality he's really endeavoring to make his businesses better.

    Exploiting certain sensitive topical issues such as Muslim terrorism and immigration, the economy etc. is his plying tactic to attract attention to himself. What he offers as sound intelligent ideas or policies to resolve those problems are weak and impractical to say the least, partially because he's never had any experience in political office.

    What Trump really cares about is his own ego, money and power which nurses and feeds that over extending ego of himself.

    Mitt Romney was right when he recently said " Trump is a conman, a fake "

    Ironically after the election is over, he will be seen as a happenstance loser, which may even create an unappealing stature around his bushiness, with " Trump " labeled onto them.

  • oppostate

    Black, Latino and Muslim college students organize to stop Trump's fascist rally in Chicago


  • Driving Force
    Driving Force

    Well, we live in Germany and my daughter who is 15 is really afraid that Donald Trump will become the next US president.

    As she said this morning "He is like Adolf Hitler".

    Now that is saying something about Trump's reputation if a 15 year old in Germany says such a thing.

  • SecretSlaveClass

    I honestly think Trump is leading all his followers on - a complete con job. The guy has a solid history of being liberal and has been friends with the Clinton's for over two decades. I hate conspiracy theories but I have this itch in the back of my mind that his whole game plan from the start was to hijack the Republican Party and derail it. What exactly his motivation would be I cannot say, but nothing adds up under close scrutiny. The fact that he is so dismissive of even attempting to clarify his policies but conducts his entire sordid campaign as if it were a reality show tells me he never really intended to invest much thought or solid principals into his plans. I don't believe for a moment he intends to follow through with most of his promises but instead create a quasi Democratic Party and this is the reason the establishment Republican party is hell-bent on stopping him. They see his lack of conservative history and don't trust him. Either way I've always hated Trump ever since I read about his private jet having a gold toilet back in the 90's. But if he means hijacking the Republican Party ship and sinking it, I'm all for it.

    Either this country has to get at least a third party or the RP has to be rebuilt from the ground up. I'm sick of their religious rhetoric being injected into their politics and their constant denial of climate change. As it stands now it's a party that does nothing more than propagate ignorance and while they demand religious freedom, demand that others don't have freedoms which contradict their religious ideologies.

    Ideally I would like to see a party which takes the common sense and humanitarian parts of each party and combines them.

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