A little surprised to see Steven Hassan interviewed today on CNN about the anti-vax believers and cult tactics. Here is the link:
Steven Hassan on CNN today
by dropoffyourkeylee 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
neat blue dog
Sometimes you can't see the forest for the trees.
Anna Marina
Is he trying to get publicity for a book he has written? If so, he could do worse than examine the tactics of C T Russell.
Well, it just goes to show you that anyone can be indoctrinated again. Hassan is just a member of the Big Pharma and “The Science” Cult.
Just because you can recognize a religious cult doesn’t mean you won’t be swept up by the Mainstream Media propaganda. He just jumped from one fishbowl to another…
Hassan was pursuing a poetry degree😂😂
He has a Doctor of Philosophy PhD, ----WOW he must know a lot about viruses
Master of Education curriculum and instruction, counseling, in Gender Studies, school psychology,------He's a Scientist like Bill Gates
Disillusioned JW
From what I have read of the comments by those who are anti-vaxers, climate change deniers, and who think smoking tobacco is not a health hazard, their mindset regarding those ideas (including the way they determine what information sources are reliable) and the way they spread their views are like those of young earth creationists (and others who reject that biological evolution is a fact), people in religious cults, people who believe space aliens have visited Earth and abducted humans, people who denigrate science (even referring to it as a cult), and people with far 'right'-wing ultraconservative political views.
It has been more than 4 months since I took my first Covid-19 mRNA based vaccine dose and according to a number of blog/forum posts by anti-Covid-19 vaxers I should be dead by now or at least in horrible health. Yet, here I am with still excellent health (including normal blood pressure, normal heart rate, normal respiration, and normal healthy body weight) despite being over age 50. About 85-90% of the people at my place of work (of about 500 people) are fully vaccinated from Covid-19, but according to many blog posts by anti-Covid-19 vaxers they should all be dead now or in terrible health as a result of the vaccine, yet the vaccine has not caused them any harm (at least none that anyone knows about). Likewise my sister and my elderly mother took the same Covid-19 vaccine as I did and they tell me they have not detected any adverse health effects from the vaccine (other than the initial soreness at the vaccine injection site).
Having a doctorate in philosophy is helpful in knowing how to evaluate competing claims, to think critically, and to think logically. Courses in logic and critical thinking are courses of philosophy departments at universities. At university I took two philosophy courses in logic and one of those two also taught critical thinking. The philosophy department also has a course in philosophy of science. I didn't take that course, but about 2 years ago I purchased a book on that subject and read it. Prior to about the year 1900 or 1800 science was known as natural philosophy and was thus a branch of philosophy.
About 85-90% of the people at my place of work (of about 500 people) are fully vaccinated from Covid-19, but according to many blog posts by anti-Covid-19 vaxers they should all be dead now or in terrible health as a result of the vaccine, yet the vaccine has not caused them any harm
Yeah, but now the ant-vax crowd will say "just wait for 2 years, then you'll see the ill effects".
Pretty much exactly like the WTS. Armageddon is always "very soon now", and has been for well over a century.
Let's see, you're about 50 now. I can say with near certainty that the vaccine will kill you - in about 30 or 40 years time.
I do not consider myself an ‘anti-vaxxer’ but have not gotten this particular vaccine..not yet anyway.
I dearly hope to God for the sake of all the millions who have gotten these vaccines (including my relatives and friends)..that you are right in your opinion and that you can keep laughing at and being scornful of people who are afraid to get it..I really do hope you are right!
Anna Marina
Hassan was pursuing a poetry degree
The thing about poetry is you can make things up. Fantasy - like the GB does - but claim they are special and in touch with God. Some say a poet should be king. I think their logic goes like this - real poetry is real science.
From what I can see it all leads to Shamanism in opposition to Jesus Christ who is the Word of God.
It has been more than 4 months since I took my first Covid-19 mRNA based vaccine dose and according to a number of blog/forum posts by anti-Covid-19 vaxers I should be dead by now or at least in horrible health.
I could say the same thing. I Never got the vaccine, I got Covid and got a slight headache for a couple of hours. None of my employees got vaccinated either and they are all still alive and well, Half of my family never got vaccinated and they are past the age of 60, and they are all alive and well.
The other half of my family did take the vaccine, but they are able to reason that the family that choose not to take the vaccine was simply because they researched and came to the conclusion that because of their age and health, they didn't need the vaccine
I work as a plumber and my employees and I were unclogging toilets, sinks, showers, repair pipes at hospitals when covid was at its peak and there was still no vaccine.
All of us have natural immunity because all of us got Covid.
You took two philosophy courses in logic and you Still can't seem to figure out the difference between anti-vaxers and people who CHOOSE NOT TO TAKE THIS PARTICULAR VACCINE because of the research they have done..
BTW I have two degrees, one in business and one in Science.
I do not consider myself an ‘anti-vaxxer’ but have not gotten this particular vaccine..not yet anyway.
It's a tough call LHG. In my family's case, there were a couple of older ones that were not going to take the vaccine. I suspected one of them was not in good health because of his diet, his lack of exercise, and always complaining that he didn't feel good just about every other day. Plus he didn't believe "Men" needed doctors.
So I personally took him to get a physical checkup. They did a full blood panel on him. and come to find out he had very high cholesterol, extreme HIgh Blood Pressure, and high blood sugar.
The Doctor explained to him that he was at high risk for dying if he got Covid. He explained that his body was what you call an immune compromise individual and if he got Covid real bad, it would be an excruciating death.
He decided to get the vaccine.
He is now taking his health more seriously and understands that he can still catch Covid so he avoids crowds, wears a mask, and learned a very healthy habit----(He washes his hands regularly)
Some other of my elderly family saw he was ok after taking the vaccine and they followed his example.
Yes there are risks with the vaccine considering it didn't go through all the loopholes and it is being politicize by one particular party.
But Covid is real and it is targeting certain groups of people.
The problem is sometimes we don't know if we have a medical condition that we are not aware of.