dropoffyourkeylee - "I thought their belief was to obey Caesar's law unless it conflicts with God's law. So why don't they just turn over the records? I haven't read up on it much, but it makes no sense to me."
Turning over records, dutifully reporting, all that stuff; criminal investigations, trials, and convictions can't help but follow...
...and a far larger quantity of damning information then becomes a matter of public record, and therefore way harder to dismiss as "apostate lies" (particularly if said information is actually printed on internal Watchtower documents)...
...ultimately revealing to the rank-and-file the true scope of the problem: that it's pervasive, institutionalized, and endemic (not to mention that the Org's so-called "Biblical" means of dealing with it are not only not working, but are, arguably, making it worse)...
...which can't help but call the Org's claim to fame as "God's Earthly Organization" into question like nothing else, because holy shitballs, how could it not???
The WT leadership will do damn near anything to keep the membership from cluing in to that.