To answer other questions. No, she was not raised a JW. *I* left the JWs over 10 years before she was even born. Her mom was never a JW. She's mostly been raised without religion. Even the ex wasn't very religious except when she was having trouble with miscarriages. Then she felt she had to go to church. But once she got far enough along in a pregnancy, she quit wanting to go.
Her mom (the ex) kind of wanted the kids to start going to church maybe 5 years ago. I raised my objections, but also told her that when they're over by her, it's not my call. We can discuss and let each other know how we feel about it, but she can make whatever decisions she wants. If she wants to bring them to a church, that's up to her. Wasn't thrilled, but they are her kids too and it was her decision. But, she's too lazy to take the time out of her own doings to take them.
And like I said above, other friends have taken her to their church functions. And I stood by and let them go without a word. Not criticizing, not trying to get her to stop. She had fun, but I wasn't thrilled with it - worried she would be seduced by it. All I did was ask how it was, what did you do, etc. Like I might with anything she went to like a school field trip.
Perhaps I should qualify. There is no evidence of anything supernatural. Like anything in science. You can speculate. That's what expands our knowledge. Then you test or search and look for evidence. If it's not there, you readjust or abandon it.
We know that evolution happens. And there are trillions of planets out there. Life could be out there. Based on the principle that if it can happen once, given trillions of possibilities over billions of years, it could happen again. We can see here on earth where some civilizations develop faster. Hell, who knows where our own civilization might be if religion hadn't slowed it down? So could there be an advanced race out there? It is possible. But a natural, evolved one. So there is the "possibility" of a race we might call gods. So in that sense, I am agnostic. To say that isn't possible would be atheist in my view.
If we ever prove any supernatural phenomenon, then we can explore those possibilities. But until then, let's not waste our time going that route to explain our world.
James Randi had a 1 million dollar prize and it might be more now. For any testable supernatural phenomenon. Where it can be proved to work. It is unclaimed. Big money for those who think it's real. Unclaimed.